Street Urchins

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A day with no before

World without tomorrow

Time, bounteous and free

Not linear, just constant

Each year equals zero

Each moment plays instant

Those in tune, are there now

Living life with no end

Laughing, playing about

Children with no watches

No care or need for a clock

Life is one long recess

All worries been forgotten

School has just yet started

Curious minds await

To learn novel and new

Humble as the student

Eager to be taught

Just happy someone knew

These lessons are not done

There's so much more to tell

Amazement lives outside

Within hearts of others as well

Live with awe and wonder

And time will disappear

School's not over folks

Learn to open your ears

Degrees earned for pride

Are nothing to revere

Pride becomes haughty

Your pedestal in the clouds

Below you is true wisdom

Pity those too high to hear

Come play as street urchins

With no such thing as image

Down here, knowledge comes free

To all who take advantage


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