Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

I woke up and grunted not wanting to get out of bed for school. Then it hit me that it was summer vacation. Yea! I thought as I looked at the clock. It was twelve o’clock p.m. I have to have a training session with Sarah and Josh today, thankfully Adrian is going to be helping me. Once we find the rest of their powers we can start learning how to use and control them the right way. Also so we can become stronger. I guess by us being the chosen ones we are closer and more connected than ever before.

I got out of bed but not before waking up Adrian which took a little while like always. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where I made us some breakfast and you can’t forget coffee. Adrian decided to get his lazy ass downstairs. He was just in time because I had just put his plate on the table and began eating.

“So what are we doing today?” Adrian asked me as he sat down in the chair where is food was. He began eating and made a sound telling me he liked breakfast.

“We have to help Sarah and Josh find the rest of their powers” I told him and he groaned. I could tell he was getting annoyed with this whole chosen one thing. He wasn’t the only one. I was starting to get tired of it too.

“I know but we have to” I told him before taking another bite of my food then taking a sip of my hot coffee. It felt so good as it ran down my throat.  I'm going to have to start making ice coffee soon. It’s becoming too hot to have hot coffee.

“So what time are we going to start the training?” he asked me with a mouth full of food making me cringe.

“First of all, don’t talk with food in your mouth and second of all, once we are done eating I’m going to call them” I told him and he nodded his head saying okay.

We finished our breakfast and cleaned up. Once we finished putting the dishes away I gave Sarah a call.

“Hello?” she said into the phone. I’m surprised I didn’t wake her up; she is usually still sleeping at this time.

“Hey, I need you and Josh to come over for training” I told her and she groaned.

“Okay, hold on let me just wake up Josh, don’t hang up” she told me and I smirked. This is going to be fun to listen to. I thought. Listening or watching the way Sarah wakes people up is entertaining. She screams at them until they wake up and if they don’t answer she pulls the sheets away. Then you’re on the floor if you ignore her. I’ve learned my lesson the hard way.

“Joshie” she said quietly. I moved the phone away from me and giggled then Adrian walked in.

“What's so funny?” he asked and I motioned him over to me.

“Just listen” I told him and he nodded as I put my IPhone on speaker.

“Joshie” she said a bit louder but I heard no response from him. He’s so going to get it. I thought.

“JOSH, GET YOUR LAZY ASS OFF THIS DAMN BED!” I heard her scream. I had to put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing. I didn’t want to be yelled at too. Poor Josh. I thought.

She groaned as I heard sheets being shuffled. If he doesn’t respond soon he’s waking up on the floor. I thought as I mentally laughed.

I started to count down quietly and Adrian gave me a confused look. I just smirked at him.

“Three . . . Two . . . One . . .” I counted down then heard a loud thump followed by a groan. I couldn’t keep it in this time. Adrian and I started to crack up. We had to walk out of the room so she wouldn’t hear us over the phone. I don’t need her using her powers on me today.

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