Chapter 1

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"Don't fall in love, there's just too much to lose."

Chapter One

First day of summer.

Dakota and I had just finished packing our bags and were double checking everything. We had finished our senior year and were moving to London; it was our dream place to live. Ever since freshmen year, we had been dead set on moving to England. It was our number one thing on the list for 'Things to do after Highschool'. Ever since the idea of London occurred, we had basically let our world revolve around it. We found places to live, sites to see, places to work, colleges to attend, and just the simplest things from a restaurant we would try to street names we memorized.





Before I get ahead of myself, let me introduce you to my best friend.

Dakota Sharee Moore is her name. She was just above 5'6 and has dark brown hair. The bottom part was a mix of vibrant green and periwinkle purple. She was going through a bit of rebellious time, not that she acted out in public, it was more of a self-rebellion kinda thing. A pair of hazel eyes; more along the brown side. She's not a very spontaneous or loud person. She's pretty reserved but has her moments. She either takes a liking to you or she doesn't. She obviously took quiet a liking to me seeing as I am the only person who knows everything about her. Even things her family doesn't. There's a bond there that can't be broken; no matter what. She's been there for me since fifth grade. When others were leaving my life, she stuck around. Why? I won't ever know because I just don't believe the answers she gives me as to why. I just don't see what she sees.

People can't really confuse us because well, we're total opposites. My name is Falyn Elyse Evans and I am completely spontaneous, loud, outgoing, and always the life of the party. I have dirty blonde hair, and blue-green eyes. I'm not reserved at all. I'll let people into my life but when they leave, I'm not hurt. I expect those kind of things from people. It's nothing new to me. I've learned to never expect much from people. Because once I give in and fully trust; that's when I lose so much.

We have a little two bedroom apartment here in Texas. It's not much but it's a lot for two teens paying their way through high school. Not much support from the family but she's my family. Like a sister.

Everywhere I go she goes, everywhere she goes I go, we are practically inseparable.

We had bought plane tickets for London two weeks ahead of time because we were not going to stay in lame Texas and do nothing like the other summers. I mean, a couple parties and flings in the other summers were boring, we needed to explore. Leave the nest. We sighed and sat on our large suit cases that were packed so tightly.

"Ready?" I asked blankly.

"Ready as I'll ever be-" She replied, sighing exhaustedly.

I called my mom to tell her to come get us now because our flight was leaving in an hour.

"Falyn," Dakota said quietly.

"I'm nervous, what if we meet someone in London?" She finished.

"Well, lets just get there first before you start you're endless questionings of 'what ifs'!"

We sat in the quiet apartment for about twelve minutes before my mom started honking down stairs and I grabbed my keys and bags while Dakota was already downstairs sticking hers in the car. I looked one last time in the apartment and sighed. It was empty, everything gone. We had already sent our furniture to our new apartment.

"Goodbye Texas and home. Time for a new start. Ill miss ya."

I locked the door and left the key in our mail slot down the hallway. I got in the passenger seat of the car and looked back at Dakota.

"Ready my lovely!?"

"Hell yes!" She screamed. I was just as excited as we made our way to the airport.

Oh, I was defiantly ready.

Or so I thought.

A huge head up, my chapters are like extremely short and I didn't realize it till I finally went through and 'tried' to fix every chapter. This was my very first story, hence as to why it's so short and sucky. Just give it a chance and read through it. I love the story (conceited much? gah) I just hate how I wrote it.

And it's totallllly cliche through and through.

I'm going through and fixing the chapters because they sucked at first so I'll write 'EDITED' on the ones I've, well ya know, edited c:


The beginning starts out a little slow and there are really short chapters but if you keep reading you'll get more into it, or not!

tbh not one of the greatest stories I've written but ehh what the hell wiht it and the only chapter I really like is the last one


read at your own risk

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