Chapter 48

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Chapter Forty Eight

The almost hour long shower felt great. The steam and pulse of the shower head on my back made my body loosen up. I finished shaving my legs, washed out the conditioner in my hair, and turned the knobs so the water would shut off. I stepped out, grabbed the towel, and started drying my body.

I did the usual: Blow dry hair, put on some make up, put some shorts and a pink shirt on, stuck socks on my feet and took one last look before leaving the bathroom. I looked at my tummy and it was a little pouched out from the baby but I knew that it would eventually go away. I looked good but inside I felt like a deflated balloon. I picked up my mess and organized the bathroom a little.

I quietly closed the door behind me and looked around for Harry. I saw him asleep on the bed with his hand in the baby carrier, holding onto Brynli's hand. I smiled at this. Harry was tired and Brynli had eaten and fallen asleep so I didn't want to wake up neither of them. I grabbed my white lace Tom's, put them on, glanced at the clock and it was now almost 3. I left my room to go look around.

I passed by rooms of people, waiting rooms with soon-to-be fathers pacing back and forth. I had come across the little room where they put all the baby's in and looked through the glass window at all the pretty little ones. There were blue and pink blankets that were wrapped around the babies. I smiled and thought about my little one. My stomach gurgled and I felt hungry. I walked to the end of the hall and looked at the hospital map. I saw where the cafeteria was and then turned to my left to go towards it. I stopped in my place when I saw him. Justin, my ex. What was he doing here? I had panic rush through my body and I stood frozen. He came towards me and I didn't move one bit.

"Great, I found you!"

He smiled and that terrified me. Found me? "Why are you here?" I asked with confusion. "I heard that you were pregnant and with somebody else. I got so angry and wanted to get you back. I need you. I don't know why I ever left you." He grabbed my hands and I yanked back. "How did you find me? Did Dakota tell you? And you don't know why you ever left me, really?" I was furious. "No, your sister told me. And don't act like you don't want me still." He stepped forward and pushed a piece of my hair out of my face. I stepped back and pointed my finger in his face.

"Stay away from my sister and no way in hell do I still want you. Been there, done that, NEVER going back. No way in hell." I turned to walk back to my room but was jerked back by Justin. "Come here. Stop pretending. We can leave right now. This guy your with can take care of himself and his baby." I was really taken back and unbelievably furious. I stuck up my hand that had my ring on it in his face.

"See this? Well this guy that I'm with, is my fiancée. I'm not going anywhere with you and I'm surely not leaving him and my child." I tried to pull away from his grip but he was too strong. Justin was a quarterback on the football team and would bench so much weight, so my little muscle didn't even compare to his. His tall and built structure hovered over me. "Let go." I yanked again, but nothing.

"You know, you look way better then when I dated you." His eyes scrolled up and down my body and I got chills.

"I do? I had inspiration. Wanna know what it was? It was me getting away from you. You held me down and made me feel terrible and treated me like shit. You didn't treat me right and that's all that Harry does. He LOVES me unlike you did. Now, let me go." I pulled and pulled but not a budge. "Let go of her." I heard a man say behind me. I turned and saw Harry. I was instantly relieved when Justin let me go and I ran into Harry's arms.

"And what do we have here? A little English twit." Justin was about 6 foot and so was Harry, but Harry wasn't as built as Justin was and that scared me. Justin could easily hurt Harry. "Justin shut up. Come on, let's go." I grabbed Harry's arm but he didn't move. What was this? Avoid Falyn day?

"Oh, so you're Justin. The douche bag that left her because of something someone else had done that she couldn't prevent." Harry stepped close towards Justin.

"That's okay though because everything that we have, you could never give her." Harry stepped closer and they were face to face. I bit my nails because I just wanted all this to end. "Harry, lets go." I tried pulling him but he was tensed up and his fist were balled up. I was scared that he would go off on Justin like he did Kyle. And we're in a hospital for Gods sake!

"I think that you need to back up. You don't know me and what I'm capable of." Justin's veins were popping out of his neck and arms.

"Oh, Falyn told me plenty about you, how you left her and that you were a terrible boyfriend and would always make her get in trouble and how you used to hit her. Yeah, I think I know your type and how you probably are."

"Did it make you feel more like a man? Beating on someone that couldn't protect themselves." I heard this come from Harry as I slowly backed up and ran to the room and grabbed my phone.

fook you Justin


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