Chapter 45

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Chapter Forty Five

The next 7 months went by so fast. I went to my fathers funeral accompanied by Harry and told them about my pregnancy and they were happy for Harry and I. Harry told me everyday how beautiful I was and how much he loved me and our child. My bump was really big and my back hurt and my feet did also. My skin had a kind of glow to it and my boobs went from a C cup to a D. They hurt but I could bare through the pain.

Every time my little girl kicked I would smile and Harry would always want to sing to me and her or he'd give me foot and back massages and every time I needed something he'd do it or if I wanted something he would get it. Harry was there for every step of the way. I met his mother and sister and they were so happy to have a new addition to the family. Dakota moved in with Niall and Harry moved in with me. She and Niall had become really serious and thought that it'd be good for them to live together. We now had an extra bedroom so Kota and I decorated it with baby stuff and bought everything my little girl would need.

Harry and I were thinking of some names like Madison, Darcy, Brynli, or Reagan. We finally agreed on the name Brynli and we couldn't be happier. I had only a month or so left until I give birth to my baby girl. I don't know how Harry put up with my crying and bitchiness. I had some weird cravings, too. I would want Oreos and ice cream or pickles and hot sauce. Brynli didn't like spicy things too much so I was the one who paid for it if I ate spicy food because she would kick and I wouldn't be able to sleep.


I was now 8 months and 28 days pregnant. I was so excited that I'm about to have Brynli. I couldn't wait to bring her home and teach her things and for her to grow up and then one day she have children and I be a grandmother. It was a lot but I was ready to do it all with Harry. It was 7 at night and Harry and I were sitting together on the couch when he started singing.

"Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me, but bare this in mind it was meant to be.

And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks, and it all makes sense to me.

I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile you've never loved your stomach or your thighs.

The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine but I love them endlessly.

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth, but if i do, it's you, oh it's you they add up to.

I'm in love with you and all these little things."

Harry stopped singing and started talking. "Hey sweetie?" "Yeah?" I was kind of sleepy because the song was a little slow and his voice is so beautiful it puts me to sleep. "I need to ask you something." Harry got up and stood in front of me. He held out his hands so he could pull me up. I put my hands in his, he pulled me up and I stood in front of him. He took in a deep breath and then got down on one knee and my heart stopped. "Falyn, you are the love of my life and I want this baby to know that. I want you to be my one and only. Will you be mine forever? Will you marry me?" Harry pulled out a box and in it was a diamond ring, it was so beautiful and it shined. My eyes widened and I grabbed my stomach.

"No!" I yelled out. Harry became sad and stood up.

"No? But I love-"

"Yes I do, but no Harry! My water broke!" I said loudly. He looked down and my pants were damp. He grabbed the keys and rushed me out the door. Harry buckled me into the truck and we left off to the hospital. Harry called Dakota and Niall and told them that Brynli was coming and to bring everybody to the hospital. Harry walked me into the hospital and said to the lady at the desk, "My fiancée is having our baby!" Nurses came to me and wheeled me to a room and told me to relax because I was moaning in pain and screaming. It hurt so much.

They gave me an epidural and that helped with the pain a little. They said that I was a having a lot of contractions and that I was going to give birth in a couple of hours.

She's comingggg


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