Chapter 49

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Chapter Forty Nine

"I'm coming." Niall said and hung up immediately. I didn't know what else to do, Harry and Justin were getting really heated and I didn't want to be in between that. Luckily, when I got back to the room Brynli was still asleep. There is barely anybody in the hospital which is good so they don't have to hear Harry and Justin's argument but also bad because there was really no way to stop them from fighting. The room was at the other end of the hall so I could hear the guys fight. I heard some scrambling around and I ran out of the room looking down the hall and Justin was over Harry on the floor. I ran over to them and started yelling.

"Get off Justin. Why are you doing this? I don't want you." I tried to push him off but he punched Harry in the face and I caught a glimpse of Harry's eyes. They were the exact cold, lifeless eyes I had seen before. I knew Justin wouldn't be hurting Harry for long. Harry jumped up and started punching Justin in the face. Justin fell and Harry bent down bashing his fist in Justin's face. I turned and saw Niall and Louis running down the hall, but Harry didn't notice. They ran over and picked Harry up who was still fighting, trying to get back at Justin. People walked by and stared, I've never felt this embarrassed before.

"Harry calm down." I said walking over to him and grasping his arms at his side. "Get off of me. I don't need your help. You're the cause of my madness." His eyes pierced through my body and sent terrifying chills all in my body.

"You don't need my help? You could have killed him. Then what? You would have gone to jail. If I hadn't called Niall, you would still be going. Oh, but you don't need my help, and I'm the reason this happened so go ahead. I'm done." I ran off to the room and Brynli was crying. I picked her up, wrapped her up in a blanket, and walked out of the hospital. I need air, I feel like I can't breath with all of this going on.

Harry's POV

I could have killed Justin right there and I wouldn't feel sorry one bit. Niall and Louis were holding me back while Justin rolled around on the floor grasping his face. Justin was a big guy but there's a side to me that comes out when you mess with somebody that I love.

"Harry, calm down." Falyn walked over to me and grabbed my arms. "Get off of me. I don't need your help. You're the cause of my madness."

I said in a cold voice. I could see the fear and hurt in her eyes but the other Harry wasn't here so I felt nothing but coldness and lifeless.

"You don't need my help? You could have killed him. Then what? You would have gone to jail. If I hadn't called Niall, you would still be going. Oh, but you don't need my help, and I'm the reason this happened so go ahead. I'm done." Falyn ran off to the room. I was still breathing heavily and Niall and Louis wouldn't let go of me because they knew I would have gone back at it with Justin. Justin's face was all red and his nose, lip, and cheek were bleeding. I hope that he feels worst then when he beat up on Falyn. Yeah he got what he deserved. I still felt like I had a lot more anger towards him that needed to be let out. Justin stood up and looked at me.

"Tell Falyn that I'll be seeing her later." I got out of Louis and Niall's grip and walked towards Justin. "If you ever come near her, I will kill you. And nobody will stop me. Don't think about her, come near her, touch her, speak to her, or anything. If you do I will find you and you will pay." Justin laughed it off but I was not joking one bit.

"Alrighty, just tell her that I'll be seeing her around." He walked off and I looked back at Niall and Louis and they looked scared and confused. "Who was that guy?" Niall and Louis asked. I forgot that they didn't know about him.

"Falyn's ex. He used to-" I stopped because I didn't know if it was too personal for me to tell them, Falyn can tell them if she feels comfortable with it.

"He's just a dick. He was hurting her and I couldn't stop myself when I started hitting him." My fist balled up again but I then released it, trying to stay calm. "Yeah, we saw that mate." Louis walked over and patted my back trying to calm me.

"And I told Falyn it was all her fault and that I didn't need her help. Shit. I'm fucking stupid. She hates me now. Great." I put my face in my hands.

"I think that you need to go talk to her. I'm sure she'll understand. She loves you, she'll listen to you."

I nodded and they gave me a slap on the back before leaving. Niall went back to the room and I needed a breather. I walked out of the hospital and there stood Falyn, Brynli, and Dakota. I walked over to them. Falyn had Brynli wrapped up and was patting her back, she must've been asleep.

"We need to talk." I said towards Falyn and then grinned at Dakota. "I'll take her. Ah, come to auntie Kota!" Dakota took Brynli into her arms and bounced her a little while walking off. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things earlier but I was in the moment. I do need you and it isn't your fault. You didn't know he would show up." I reached out to her but she stepped back.

"Don't be like this." I tried again but she only got further back now against the wall.

"It's not that easy. You meant those things back there. It is my fault. But I didn't know that he was going to come here. I didn't know you were going to lose control and do that." I stepped closer and grabbed for her hand but she pulled away. "Why don't you get it? I did that for you. I won't let him hurt you. I can't." She shook her head. "It's funny how you say that you don't want him to hurt me, yet you're the only one who seems to really hurt me." She had a look in her eyes as if she wants to cry but she's staying strong in front of everybody.

"It's not me that hurts you. It's this other part of me."

"And that's the side I'm tired of seeing. I need to be left alone right now and I think that you need to just go home and be alone too." She started walking off but I grabbed her arms tightly and pulled her against the wall. "Take my apology. I don't need to be alone and you don't either." I gritted through my teeth. She kept trying to get out of my grip but I felt all my anger coming back and I tightened up my grip. "Harry, you're hurting me. Let go." She kept trying to pull away but I wouldn't let her. "Stop. It hurts."

I finally let go. I knew that the other side of me was here. Falyn walked off but I pulled her back. She sighed and turned to look at me. "Leave. I don't want you to be around me and Brynli right now. Go walk or something. I don't care what you do. I can't handle you, or IT." She walked back into the hospital and I stood there wanting to go find Justin and hurt him for making me hurt Falyn.


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