Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen

"Do you think they did it?"

A voice spoke out sounding very much like Louis.

"I don't know. I wasn't here."

A voice sounding very much like Liam argued back. Harry let out a grumble.

"No, now go away."

Harrys chest vibrations fully woke me up. My predictions being correct, I saw Louis and Liam at the door frame.

"Don't y'all have a place you could be at, that's your own!"

I said very sassily. Louis acted like he had just been stabbed in the heart.

"Hurtful. Now it's clear- She's perfect for Harry."

I shot them both a glare as they walked off laughing. I looked over to a smirking Harry.

"I knew you'd fit in perfectly."

Harry said with a hint of relief.

"There's where your wrong!" I replied, sitting up and crossing my legs.

"Is that so?" Harry questioned, mimicking my movements.

"One normal girl, being me, could never fit in with a group of smelly boys, being y'all."

I replied back pushing my chest out with pride.

"I am not smelly!" Harry defended himself.

"Sorry to break this to you, but you are!" I said with a smile creeping on my face. I wasn't sure if Harry was believing my joke or going along with it. Harry didn't smell bad in fact, he smelt like Armani and mint.

"Why don't you come over here and say it to my face?"

I crawled my way over to Harry and put on a straight face.

"You, sir stin-"

I stopped talking and in return bursted out in laughter. Harry's large hands ran all over my sides and stomach. If he kept tickling me, I would not be held accountable for his death.


"Empty threats!"


I managed to yell out before his hands were no longer roaming my core.

"That's what I thought!"

I flashed a smug grin at Harry and he rolled his eyes; a move I've done done plenty of times.

I giggled at his action but was cut off by a pair of soft lips. I moved my position of sitting with my legs crossed to straddling Harry. Harry slowly laid his body back down on the bed, bringing me down with him. I ran my fingers through his messy morning hair, while he traced circles on my back. I wasn't ever really one for hot and quick kisses but Harry made me act in different ways.

Our tongues soon fought for dominance but his was too powerful. I gave in and let him lead. My mind was no longer in control; my body was. I knew this because Harry tugged the bottom of my shirt and I didn't hesitate to help him take it off. I chunked my shirt across the room and Harry brought me back in contact with his lips. Harry pulled back and examined my core. A grin grew on his face and I slapped his chest. I leaned back down and started kissing him again and rubbing my almost bare body on him. He grabbed onto my sides, rubbing up and down. I flinched when he hit my most ticklish spot on my side and I knew he was going to use my weakness against me, again. To no surprise, he started tickling me while I squirmed around the bed beside him.

Harry then took the opportunity to get over me and start kissing me again. My hands played with the bottom of his shirt before he leaned back and took it off. I was sure a smile was prominent on my face as I stared at his abs and tattoos; I was instantly turned on. Harrys kisses made their way from my neck, down to my stomach. His eyes looked into mine in approval and I nodded, confirming his question. He pulled my shorts off and threw them across the room, along with his pants. He was in just his boxers, while I was in my panties and bra. Harry went back to kissing me on my stomach. His warm lips felt good on my skin that was cold and with every kiss I could feel his kiss lingering. Harry started pulling up my panties, but I pulled him back up to my mouth to keep him away from that area. Every time I'd think I got him distracted from there, his wondering hands would go back down. When he put his hands down towards the inner part of my thigh, I grabbed his hand and placed it on my hip.

"You don't want this, do you?" Harry moved to sit beside me and put his elbows on his knees.

"It's not that I don't want it - it's," He gave me a look to continue and I did.

"I just don't know what we are. Friends with benefits or dating? I don't want to have sex with someone I'm not with. I - I'm," I stopped and he flashed me that look again.

"A virgin."

Harry looked a little shocked. I quickly turned my attention to my hands and twirled my thumbs around. A pair of large hands covered mine and I looked up at Harry.

"It's okay, I understand. I love you and I want you to be my girlfriend and all but,"

And there it was, the infinite 'but'.

"I want to ask you in the sweetest way possible because you deserve that. You are the nicest girl I know and I care for you very much. I want you to have a perfect relationship with the perfect boyfriend and for me to be your perfect boyfriend, but I'm not perfect."

He finished and I gave him a sad look.

"Harry. You are perfect for me. You're my kind of perfect, you may not think you're perfect but you are to me." I said kissing him on the nose.

"I wish you realized how perfect you are. In my eyes, I see true beauty and you can call yourself fat or ugly and say you look like total crap when you're on your period but you will still be beautiful to me sweats, hair in a bun, big hoodie in all. Still, your beauty will shine through."

When Harry said that I felt like I was in one of those cute, romantic chick flicks but I wasn't, this was real. My Prince Charming had arrived.


Slow your roll guisee

That L word tho

Wats up with that?


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