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Macy is just a regular 16 year old girl; well sort of she's friends with a lot of social media famous people, well sort of....
Her friend Taylor is dating Cody Herbinko, and she does get to hang out with them most of the time and lots of the other guys she just wishes she could find that special someone like Taylor did.
"Yo dude wake up! Tour day!" I heard Taylor yell at me. I reply "dude I don't even do anything there except sit around and most of the time stay backstage, you're there cause you're Cody's girlfriend and people like you."
"People would like you too if you'd come out and talk to them! Trust me I literally am so tired and would rather sleep but Cody and the rest of the guys make all these people so happy and it's sweet, you have to go Macy." Taylor said. "Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, okay but I'm gonna just sit there like last time" I replied. We got ready then hopped in Cody's car to the venue. When we got there the venue was freaking huge and so I went backstage and plugged my charger into the wall and started to charge my phone for the long night ahead. I started to hear some guys talking outside the door and then the door opened, it was Devin, Sam, and Colby. "Hey Macy!" Devin said "hey guys, have fun tonight! I gotta date with Netflix and tumblr." I reply sounding extremely pathetic. "Well you have fun with that." Colby says. "You should really come with us when the meet and greet starts, I know screaming girls aren't your thing but it's better than sitting in here." Devin tries to pull me up from my chair as I stay as still as a brick. They put their stuff on the table and walked out after realizing I wasn't going anywhere. Then the wifi stopped working, so I decided I'd go join this "great meet and greet" I walked out there and it was just a couple minutes before it was gonna start so I walked up to Taylor and she was surprised but happy I was out. "The wifi stopped working" as I have an annoyed face, "that explains" Taylor replied. Apparently the first part of the thing today was like a free roam meet and greet for the people that paid more and they could eat pizza which I hate so I decided I'd walk to the McDonald's next door. When I got back there was sooooo many girls meeting the guys and everything and Devins eyes got wide when he saw me "MCDONALDS" he screamed, he tried to take my fries "dude no these are mine you have fries" I reply. "You're cute, buuuut..." He steals a fry and runs off, like dude no stop. "Fuck you!" I yell, and literally every girl stared at me for like 10 seconds. I went and sat at a chair and then random girls started coming up to me and stuff and I have to admit they were actually pretty sweet, then Devin like ran over to me and pulled me aside. "Hey Macy could you possibly do me a favor? That girl over there talking to Sam is my ex and I even told her I didn't like her anymore but she keeps following me and I was" I interrupt him "you were wondering if I could be your fake girlfriend?" He nods. He grabs my hand and holds it as we walk by his ex and he has me sit at his table with him. Honestly I'm used to this, about 2 years ago the same thing happened but with one of my guy friends and he ended up kissing me to make his ex believe that we were dating and then it happened again with someone else last year minus the kissing and so now I have to play along once again. "She's looking, she's looking" *Devin looks at me and presses his lips against mine* my eyes got huge but I couldn't like yell anything cause as mad as I was, I was trying to help. Then I watched his ex leave the building and sighed with relief "thank god I don't have to fake date you anymore." "Oh... Uh yeah thanks for covering for me." Devin says. Then a bunch of girls rush up to his table screaming and one girl asks us "are Yall 2 dating? Cause otp." I laugh and reply "noooooooo, that whole kiss thing was just so his ex would leave him alone besides Devin is just my annoying friend." "Yeeeeaaaaah..." Devin says in a low voice.

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