Black Ops 3

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Today was the last day.
Tomorrow Caleb was moving back to Pittsburgh, I'd be back to same old, anti-social, weird girl at school with no one.
I called up Isabel to help me out to not let Caleb leave and she'd be over soon.
She got here and I enlightened her on the situation which came to her surprise that we were still broken up but also then remembered about the fact of how drunk he got.
"Isabel I want him to stay I really do but I...."
I said. "Macy I know what he did was wrong and all and yes I mean he really fucked up this time but.... When I see you with him your face is so bright and smiley and you're just so much happier with him, but you have to let him understand how you felt and why you reacted that way. But just always remember it's up to you Mace. What does your heart say?"
I look at her comprehending everything she just said "Fuck. I really don't know Isabel I. It's just. Ugggghhhhh. Why can't life be easier already!?"
Isabel's eyes widen, "Soooooo are you gonna get back together with him.......? Are you not...? Uhhhhhm," I hesitate and reply "I... I will sleep on it and let you know how what I do goes over."
After we spoke a little while longer we went and ate at Panda Express and then Isabel had to go back home but told me to be sure to let me know what I decided.
I had decided to go to sleep at 10 so I'd wake up early to get a hold of Caleb, I still had a key to his house so it'd be easy.
It was 7:02 when I woke up, I slipped a random shirt on and some shorts, put a pair of vans on, and fixed my bun up a bit. I unlocked the door and I couldn't find Caleb, I called for his name and then I found a note on the table.
"Macy I'm very very sorry how things ended but I wish the best for you and I hope things get better in life, thank you so much for everything, I love you."
I screamed and threw the paper on the floor, grabbed my keys and began to drive to the airport. It was 20 minutes away but there was traffic. I was beyond irritated I didn't even realize my face was covered in tears.
I finally got there I ran to the boarding screens and then I read "San Antonio To Pittsburgh- Departed." I ran to the desk, pulled out a credit card my parents gave me and bought the next flight to Pittsburgh which would be in 1 hour.
As I waited I went to Starbucks and bought me an iced white hot chocolate, since I don't like coffee, and also bought a cake pop.
As soon as I boarded the plane it luckily wasn't very crowded which was great for me. The ride wasn't all that bad just a little late but as soon as we got there I had to look through old texts between Caleb and I to pull up what his address was. I rented a car, put the address in the gps and was on my way, 35 minute drive. I pulled into the driveway and just sat there in the car. You can do this Macy. Come on just get out of the car. I texted Isabel "I'm gonna do it. I've went through too much not to." She automatically responds "Great! 👌" I texted her once more "I CANT DO IT." I see that she's typing and I read it "BITCH YES YOU CAN!" I smiled and nervously opened my door and continued to walk to the door. I rang the doorbell and waited patiently and nervously, I knew Caleb was here cause his car was here. I saw his mom walking to the door and she opened it "Oh hi sweetheart! Caleb didn't mention you were coming by?!" She smiled more than ever while saying this then just pulled me through the door and hugged me tightly and continued to talk again "Oh I'm so glad to see you again! You are such a beautiful girl! Caleb will love to know you're here." I smiled and nodded and wakes to Caleb's room. I opened the door and saw Caleb and some random dude sitting next to him when I met eyes with Caleb. "Damn Caleb who's this hottie in your house!? I laughed for a small bit then asked if the dude who I found out his name was Wes to let us talk alone for a bit. I began to speak "Listen, I know me being here is weird and all but I even woke up at 7 am just to try and be at your house in time but when I saw the note I realized I was too late so I went to the airport and again realized I was too late so then I bought a plane ticket and I haut really wasn't sure about this whole thing and I just feel really bad I held all those feelings back for so long and....." Caleb's lips met into mine and it was like never before, I finally had my Caleb Baker back.
{Caleb's POV}
I couldn't stop kissing Macy, I missed her so much and I didn't want leave but I had to and I thought I'd never see her again I really am so grateful to have her back again. As I'm still kissing I start working my way down to her neck......
"What the hell?!" I pulled back from Macy as Wes barged into the room. I replied "Yeah uhh so this is my girlfriend, well I mean she's my girl and she uhhhh.... Sorry Wes I know we were gonna like play Xbox and stuff together but now we all 3 can!" He shrugs.
{Macy's POV}
We were playing black ops 3 all together and then Caleb had left to go to the bathroom. I began to finally speak to Wes "So um my name is Macy and I sorta wasn't expected to be here so I'm sorry about that...." I started to realize Wes was getting closer to me as I spoke and I had backed up but then he kissed me.

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