Love Her

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I couldn't believe Wes had just said that to the whole audience I was outraged by this lying scumbag! I heard the door slam and I realized Caleb had left the room, I had to get him before he made a mistake with Wes, I mean yes I hate Wes a lot but we are at a meet and greet so we are limited on what can actually happen. I'm speed walking frantically trying to find him and I suddenly see him walking to the stage and try to catch up with him. I hear someone close behind me but then catch up to Caleb, but not until we were already on stage where Wes was singing. Shortly after Devin also appeared behind me and by this time Wes had stopped singing. "Well well well.... Little miss whore of the year, anger freak, and poor hopeless Devin." He kept speaking but no one else could hear him cause someone had cut his mic off. A stage manager came out and gave me a mic to speak for myself, "Guys, what Wes said is wrong okay? I know he's more famous than me, I'm not even really famous in general so y'all are probably going to believe him but for those that believe me listen up. Wes Tucker is.... He...." I felt tears trying to make there way out as I spoke, "Wes forced himself upon me while I was dating Caleb, he won't even admit to the truth to this day, even to his best friend. So if you wanna look up to someone that's an amazing guy and singer then look up to Devin, we've had some rough patches but he's always stuck with me and was honest with me from the very beginning. Caleb is my boyfriend and no one else is, I love him for him and he is amazing, I'm sorry for tonight's interference of Wes's childish act but I love y'all and goodnight." Caleb, Wes, and I all walked off stage as Devin began singing but with pure happiness for once. As I was beginning to open the door my wrist is yanked for me to turn around and it's Wes, "Thanks bitch for ruining my reputation!" I shrugged, "Oh please you did that yourself." He got closer and suddenly before I knew it he slapped me. He fucking slapped me. As quick as I could before he walked off I kicked right where his dick should be with one of my heels and he was on the floor as I went into my room to grab my things and meet up with Caleb outside.
On our car ride home I had told Caleb about what had happened and he had gotten pissed he wasn't there to defend me but then I had reassured him by telling him what I had done in response. We had decided to just drive back home tonight instead of tomorrow just to be safe.
{Caleb's POV}
After Mace and I had switched driving shifts she had fallen asleep in her seat so I had turned the music down a bit to keep her at her best rest. I was so pissed about what had happened tonight I can't believe what that jackass said about my girl. The nerve of that stupid shitass.
Once I had finally gotten there I parked Maces car in her driveway and then remembered how hard of a sleeper she was when I had knocked on her window for her to wake up and she didn't. I opened the door gently and picked her up. Once I had gotten her safely in her bed, quietly, I then heard footsteps, "Is there a reason you're in my house Caleb?" It was Macy's mom followed by her dad behind her. I knew there was no other way but to explain what was going on. "I'm sorry but I was just putting Macy to sleep, the show had a bit of a... Mishap so we had decided to come back early." As I realized this was going to be a while I walked closer to them. "Why are you here and not Devin?!" Her father seemed angry but I needed to set things straight, "Sir, She... She had tried to fake date him so she could still date me and we were going to tell y'all once we got back but I..... I love Macy so much and she's helped me through everything and she is such an amazing girl I just can't let her go and I'm sorry." Macy's mom put her arm on her husbands and his eyes narrow, he sighs, "Caleb... I hope I don't regret when I say this, but you can date my daughter."

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