I Want Ramen

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My parents would be coming back today, which made me sorta sad cause then I wouldn't be able to be as lovey dovey with Caleb. I had just recently woken up but I haven't gotten up yet since Caleb was still asleep. Though Taylor and I do have our little arguments every now and then, I would've never met Caleb without her. I decided I wanted him awake and I had yelled Caleb and his eyes opened
*We both sit up*
"Why'd you yell?!" He says alarmingly. I lean in and begin to kiss him softly, as I'm about to pull away he puts his hand on my cheek and pulls me in for more.  The kisses got deeper and deeper, he then began to start kissing my neck which made me feel some kind of way. He put his hands on my waist and went back to kissing me on my lips. He had put me on his lap now and we were as close as possible, I felt for his shirt and took it off, I could feel his abs. I felt his hands move up my waist and he had tried to take my shirt off before I stopped him "You think I'm gonna be that easy?"
I pull my shirt back down and lay him down resuming kissing him then I pause, "Do you want ramen? I want ramen." I get up, go to the kitchen and open the pantry I then hear footsteps racing after me and feel hands wrap around my waist and my feet suddenly not on the ground "Mace you can't just do that to a guy" I look at him in disgust "Tell me when you're more important than ramen."
*I get back on the ground*
He sighs "Hey don't pull a me!" I grab the ramen packet "Ah beef, yum, oh yeah you might wanna go put a shirt on my parents will be home soon." He walks back to my room as I begin to make my ramen.

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