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I had called Caleb 18 times and texted him 82 times and had decided there truly was nothing I could do, even if I flew to Pittsburgh I'd be too late for what happened, I had to just wait it out and hope for the best. I texted him one last time "Caleb I'm here, I'm here I promise you you can talk to me, just please tell me you're okay." I put my phone down with tears still streaming down my face, I fucking did this, cause I didn't text him back, I broke up with him, I didn't answer my phone, he should've never been put in this situation, I should've never done this.
*Phone beeps*
I unlocked my phone, IT WAS FROM CALEB
"Mace.... It's too late and I'm gonna have to say goodbye. I love you." I texted back "Caleb Caleb Caleb, just stop what you're doing please, I promise you you will see me very soon." He texts back "I can't be here without you and I don't know how much longer I'll be here, I love you so much." I grabbed my keys and had also called my Uncle Roger, he was super rich and owned a helicopter company, all I had to do was drive 10 minutes there and he'd take me to Pittsburgh.
As I was getting off the helicopter, I give my uncle a huge hug and since I hadn't explained why I needed to be here I had said "This ride is going to help more than just me and I can't thank enough but I have to go bye!" I had rented a car to drive to Caleb's house and I was only 18 minutes away. It had been 6 hours since he last texted me when I finally found his house my body felt cold and scared, this was it, I had to see if this really was it. I look for a key which I find right under their door mat and unlock the door, I rush in searching the downstairs first. After I checked all the rooms downstairs I ran upstairs and found him.
He looked dead on his bedroom floor, but I saw that he was breathing, he had toilet paper wrapped around his wrists but I could still see dried blood through the layers. After shock I walked up to him and tried to wake him up but he wouldn't budge, I tried yelling to him and everything. Tears were streaming down my face more than ever now but I had to get my shit together. I looked around his room to see if there was anything I could use to get him to the hospital, I found a wheelchair in his closet luckily. I picked him up as much as I could, being as careful as possible and had put the waist seatbelt over him as well. The stairs were extremely difficult to get down so once I had him downstairs I had looked around his room and the bathroom for a pill bottle, cause I know the cuts weren't the only thing that put him out. I had found a spilled bottle of aleve on the floor and an open bottle of melatonin by it and picked them up as I went downstairs to put Caleb in the car. Once I had finally gotten to the hospital, which was 30 minutes away I had graves the pill bottles and put them in my pockets and got Caleb out, wheeling him as fast as I could to the doors. "Please please help my uhm friend please!" A doctor runs up to me as others are taking Caleb out of the wheelchair setting him on a gurney. The doctor asks what happened and I had said how all I knew was that he had cut before and I had given the doctor the pill bottles and had said how I found them open and they took him to a room as I get left to sit in the lobby.
I waited 2 hours before the doctor came up to me again and had said "So I didn't say this before but I'm Doctor Loley" I interrupt him "I'm not trying to be rude but I don't care what your name is I want to know about Caleb" He looks at me "Well miss friend of his, he's still asleep and we won't fully know which medicine he took until he wakes up to tell us but we feel that you would be best to be there by his side for when he wakes up." I smile and follow the doctor the the room. His face has one of the masks on and his wrists were bandaged up, I was just glad to know he was okay, I sat down beside him and held his hand.
* Macy ended up falling asleep*
I felt a clench on my hand and woke up, Caleb was waking up, I looked at him and I could see his diamond blue eyes. "CALEB OH MY GOSH I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE OKAY" He took his mask off and smiled, I leaned in and kissed him right before the doctors came in to check on him. After they left I had asked him "Caleb why did you take so many aleves?" He sighs "It's supposed to relieve pain but each one I took you still weren't there and and and taking 3 melatonin a wasn't making me fall asleep to stop and I I I just the aleve didn't relieve my pain and you you weren't there."

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