chapter 1: new girl

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Victoria's P.O.V

This place is amazing, I though to myself as I looked around, it's just like I imagined, if not maybe more. I continue walking around the music room, I was waiting for Pablo and Antonio, they asked me to join the studio after seeing a video I made online, but I was alittle early, so I took it upon myself to do some looking around, I saw a beautiful piano I just couldn't help myself, there was already sheet music why not?

I started to play the piano, and looked down at the words of the song, and began to sing.


Don't know if I'm wrong
Don't know if I'm right
Don't know if I should say
Or keep it inside

Just what is this feeling
That's growing in me?
Could it be possible
That love was set free?

It's just I know, in my heart it's real
And that I know, it's love I feel
When I searched I found answers to my loneliness And this dream that we're living is real

'Cause of you I feel heaven surrounds us
I love you, I love you
In your arms I feel no fear around us
I love you, I love you

And your eyes shine when you see mine
I need you, I love you"

I stopped playing when I heard footsteps come into the room "Vilu?"

I looked up to see a boy standing there "your not Violetta, what are you doing singing her song?"

I paniced "i..I was...I was looking around and got distracted, this place is amazing, and that song is so amazing, I just couldn't help myself, I'm sorry I'll be leaving"

I was in a rush to get out that I tried over the piano stand and fell hurting my ankel, the boy rushed over to help

"Hey are you okay?!" He knelt beside me "I can't move my ankel, it hurts alot" tears started to fall "here, let me help you" he tried to help me stand but it was no use, "here put yours around me I'll get you to Pablo's office.

I w raped my arms around his neck and he carried me up "ow.." " I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you..I'm Lé..."

"Léon..." Both our heads turned to a voice that matched a girls standing there looking said "Violetta, it's not what it looks like, let me explain"

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