chapter 10 pt2

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Cami ' s P.O.V

After fran and vilu fell asleep, victoria and u wrote this amazing song called "Break down the walls" it was upbeat, fun, and I think it personally has a great touch to everyone here since there's so much tention.

"So where exactly is they Boys room?" I asked as victoria gather her stuff to show the boys to see how they liked the song, "well we're in 224, they should be across and down the hall in 228" she said as we linked arms together and went over to the boys room, we knocked and Diego answered

"Hola Chikas, Qué pasa?" Diego opened the door" "well fran and vilu fell asleep, so Victoria and I wrote a song, we wanted to see how yiu guys liked it"

"Well the other guys had the same idea they all went down for a nap to, it's just us chikas, perhaps we could go look around I can be your personal tour guide for spain since it's your first time and since everyone else is asleep?" Diego suggest and I looked over at victoria who wasn't all that convinced by diego "i..I don't know diego," "camila, come on, it will be great, plus who knows when they will wake up?"

Diego had a point, plus I really wanted to see spain, "what do you say victoria?"


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