chapter 2 pt 2

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Victoria's P.O.V

After Angie ' s singing class violetta came in and we started talking, she told me about everything that's happen with her léon and that's way she's the way she is, the things ludmila and diego did to her to get her kicked out, she seemed really nice so I couldn't imagine why anyone would wanna hurt her "Violetta, Ludmila's a spider, she's going to get caught in her own Web of lies sooner or later and you can't let her bother you" I told her, and soon léon came into the room .

"Are you girls busy?" He asked looking around, "No not at all" I smiled softly and he seemed to smile back " well in that case, can I steal Victoria away from you so we can rehears the music for Pablo assignment?" I looked at violetta and she smiled "go ahead, I have to finish up my song anyways".

After me and Léon left violetta, we went into the music room, and Léon started to play the piano, "it's sounds really good, but now we just need lyrics" I bit my lip softly and started to think about what Violetta said about her and léons relationship together,

"I have an idea!, but you have to leave, I'll show you later after I finish writing" I smiled and started to push him out the room "wait, I don't understand, victoria, wait" I kept pushing him till we was out "go!" I shut the door and began playing the piano, I started to hum a melody, and grabbed a guitar and played a harmony, I grabbed some empty sheet music and began writing down some lyrics.

Violetta ' s P.O.V

I walked inside the music to still find victoria there, but without léon "where léon? " I asked she looked up at me "I didn't see you walk in, but I'm glad your here, I need to show you something! " she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the piano "you didn't answer my question, where's léon? " "oh, I kicked him out, I didn't want him to hear the song till I was done and showed you" I was confused "me?, why?" She looked at me "don't get mad, but you talking to me about léon, inspired me," she started to sing her song, and I helped her out with the piano and sang with her.

"You wrote that because of me and Léon? " she looked taken back "no, no, I'm not mad, I really like it, and I'm sure léon will to"

"What will I like?" Léon walked in and victoria smiled "you'll find out tomorrow, violetta, Lunch? Victoria asked as we walked out.

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