chapter 2 pt 3

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Léon ' s P.O.V

After the girls left, I started messing around on the guitar, when I got a very unwanted vistor come into the music room "I'm not going to tell you again, Leave Diego" he chuckled and walked up to like he wanted to start trouble "I'm didn't cove for you lover boy, I came for violetta" he seemed way to confident for my liking "Violetta, wants nothing to do with you, and nither do i, or anyone else at this studio, so go back with ludmila and craw under a rock" "such words léon, " he smirked I shoved my shoulder against his and warned him, that was until violetta walked in "Vilu!, we need to talk" digo insisted but I stood there " leave me alone!, your a lier, I hate you and never wanna speak to you again understand! " Violetta ran out crying and I ran after her.

Victoria's P.O.V

I was walking into the music room when both violetta, and Léon ran out, Vilu look upset, so I walked inside the room and saw another guy standing there, I guess he heard me come in since he turned around " Qué hermosa" (how beautiful) I smiled softly "thanks" he looked shocked I understood him, "you speak spanish?" I smiled " Sí , Inglés , Spanish , french Y italiano," he walked up to me, "amazing, "

Léon walked back into the room "you've got to be kidding me!, first you won't leave me or violetta alone, now victoria, Leave now" I walked up to Léon placing my hand on his shoulder "Léon, it's fine, he wasn't bothering me, he just gave me a complement, that's all, I know very well who he is, Vilu Told me,"

"You know, you shouldn't believe everything you here from people without getting to know someone si?" Diego said leaving but stopped to kiss my cheek, léon looked at me with anger, "are you okay?" "Yeah why" "nada" I said softly, "I have class I'll see you later, when you calm down léon"

Léon ' s P.O.V

How dare he, first he flirts with violetta, and breaks her heart, now he's after victoria, this guy just doesn't give up ugh!...wait why am I so mad, sure I was mad about deigo flirting with vilu, but why should I care if he does it to victoria, I don't i... no I only care about Violetta...don't I....

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