New girl pt 2

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Léon P.O.V

I'm lucky Pablo came into the music room right after Vilu so I could go after her and explain what happen back there, she need to trust me.

"Vilu..vilu...Violetta!" I followed her into the lockers "what leon" she said with sadness in her voice, "please..please don't look at me like that Vilu, let me explain" I softly brushed her cheek with my thumb.

"I heard someone playing the piano, the song I love you, I thought it was you, but when I went in it was that girl, I promise I don't know who she is, I guess I caught her off guard cause she tried of the piano stand and hurt her ankel, she couldn't walk so I was going to take me to Pablo's when you walked in." Violetta looked up at me with a soft smile

"I'm sorry léon. With everything that's happen I get jealous," I pulled her into one of my best hugs "there's no reason to be jealous vilu, I love you so much, and only have eyes for you"

Violetta smiled, and kissed my cheek softly "Léon, promise me, promise me that this year is going to be different it's our last year in the studio, and nothing will get in out way" I sighed.

"Violetta, I can't promise you that..." that made her upset "you didn't let me finish. I can't promise you that because no matter how hard we try something always gets in our way, but I can promise, that I love you, and only you, so what ever happens, we need to trust eachother no matter what okay?"

"Okay leon." I hugged her one last time "that's my girl"

"ALRIGHT!, everyone let's go into the music room there's alot to discuss, and alot to be done!" Pablo announced "let's start with assignments shall we?, duets and groups, for a welcome back to the studio"

"First group, Maxi, camila, deigo, and Broadway," Pablo looked at his list "first duet will be, Federico and nati" "second group, francesca, marco, Andrés, and Ludmila." "Violetta, I'd like you to do a solo please" Violetta seemed happy about that and of course ludmila had to ruin it by opening her mouth "no fair!! I deserve that solo"

Pablo rubbed his head "enough ludmila, and our last duet will go to Léon and..." Pablo looked up towards the door way "ahh, our new student Victoria. "

Disney's Violetta: senior yearWhere stories live. Discover now