chapter 5 pt 3

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Victoria's P.O.V

Classes went by fine, Beto was extra clumsy today which isn't anything new but always fun to fun, and Angies class was okay to, I had alot of fun with Maxi, and Francesca, although I can't stand ludmila, she's such an evil person, I just can't stand it, and then dance came, it was okay until jackie had paired me and Léon together and the tention ran high with violetta, she just kept stairing at us which caused me lose focus on the dance and mess up a bunch of times, that I had to leave, I was pacing around the stage room losing my mind, between being pair with Léon for both dance, and singing, and now with him kissing me, does violetta know..sure she does that's why she was stairing at me. But what if she doesn't know anything and Léon cheated? "Ugh why me?!?" I sat down on the steps and put my head in my hands.

"Are you okay?" I looked up and saw diego standing there " I don't know!" I put my head back down and heard him walk over to me "what's up?"
I wanted to get everything off my chest, but I wasn't sure he could be trusted

"It's nothing, just overwhelmed, you know, everyone expects for léon and I to be great for the dance and for the singing dues to go to spaim, plus he has to sing with violetta, and it all just very.." "overwhelming" Diego added and I smiled alittle "si"

After a few minutes went by I felt alittle better talking to diego, that was until léon and violetta walked into the stage room, and it was nothing but tention, diego kept looking at léon and i, like he knew something was up and didn't feel right, he excused himself with a kiss on my cheek and left. "Violetta, can you excuse victoria and I so we can work on our dance for Jackie and song?, I'll come by later so we can rehurse," he kissed her cheek and she left.

"Leon I don't feel like rehearsing today, please leave me alone" I asked and tried to walk past him before he took hold of my elbow and spun me towards him, "we need to talk, and we're going to talk now" he said and led me over to the stage and we Sat down.

"I like you, I can't hid that victoria, when we sing, I can feel it and I know you can, that's why you don't like being alone with me, but at the same time I still like violetta, and.." I stopped him before he could any further.

"Okay, maybe your right, maybe I do feel something toward you, but like you said, your with violetta, and that's it. These no us, we're classmates, friends and partners for the time being, nothing more, nothing less. So let's just leave it at that leon, so no one has to get hurt" I got up and walked out of the stage room, whipping a tear that rolled down my cheek, I left to go home.

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