Chapter 3 pt 3

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Victoria's P.O.V

Me and Léon were finally called on stage by Pablo, and Léon began setting up the tablet that had our music recorded on it

"Alright guys, when ever your ready" Pablo let us know, and Léon played the music.

Victoria: "Remember love, remember you and me Remember everything we shared On this planet when we cared"

Léon: " ¿Por qué tener miedo de cometer un error honesto ?
Si usted reconoce el dolor
Y usted quiere cambiar,
Usted puede obtener a través de cualquier cosa" ( Why be afraid to make an honest mistake?
If you acknowledge the pain
And you wanna change,
You can get through anything)

BOTH: Do you remember at all?
People walking hand-in-hand
Can we feel that love again? Can you imagine it all? If we all could get along Then we all could sing this song together.

Victoria: Look at me, now look at you
Now look at me again See, we're not so different. Look around, what do you see? We're throwing things outside our window We don't care to keep it clean.

Leon: I had a dream - beauty was only skin deep
And if we all just believe
Love is all we need;
Nothing else can set you free, yeahhhhh.

BOTH: ¿Te acuerdas de nada ?
La gente que camina mano a mano , mano - en - mano
Podemos sentir que el amor de nuevo , ¿podemos sentir el amor de nuevo ?
¿Te imaginas todo, imagino que todos? Si todos pudiéramos llevarnos bien Entonces todos podríamos cantar esta canción juntos.

(Do you remember at all?
People walking hand-in-hand, hand-in-hand
Can we feel that love again, can we feel love again?
Can you imagine it all, imagine it all?
If we all could get along
Then we all could sing this song together)

The music ended and we finished the song, léon and I were only inches apart from each other and the way he was looking at me after we finishes the song made me blush, I turned my head away from him and back away shyly looking at everyone else and waited for Pablo to speek, I watched as violetta left the room.

"I'm speachless you two, absolutely outstanding, you guys were amazing together, best duet by far, keep it up you two"

"Thank you pablo," Léon said before turning to me "I'll see you later I have to find violetta" I nodded and Léon left, everyone else came and gave their congratulations on the song.

me, camila, Broadway, maxi, and francesca all went for lunch until our next class.

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