chapter 6 pt 2

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Victoria's P.O.V

Today was the day. Léon and I were about to present out dance to the class and I was everything but calm, my nerves ran high, I felt anxious, and violetta wouldn't stop stairing me down. Sure things with Léon were complicated, but he agree to us just being friends, some how that always seemed to chance when we practiced sing our song.

"Victoria? , are you okay, I lost you for a moment where did you go?" Léon asked breaking me from my thoughts "I was..I um.." I couldn't really find the right words "nervous?" He asked with a smile "sorta" he took my hand in his "don't be, but we have to start" jackie played the beat we made, it wasn't a strong dance, more flow like and gracefull, léon pulled me against him, as we moved back and forward, he spun me around, lifted me up straight up and twirled me setting me back down, and he did a few diffent moves that leaned towards hiphop, the dance fished with Léon lifting me by my waist again above him and gently placing me down on the ground with him behind me holding one of my legs out as we looked at eachother.

Everyone clapped and cheer including jackie, she told we were amazing and had natural born chemistry with eachother, that didn't sit very well with violetta since she was the first one out of the class room.

Cami came over and placed her hand on my back "you were rally good, but don't mind vilu to much, she gets that way when it comes to léon, everytime they tried to be together, something doesn't go right, you should to her" I shook my head "thanks for the advice cami, but ive tried to tell violetta that there's nothing between léon and I, that I'm just doing my job for the assignments, I can't help that we are paid together, or if we connect, but it's her he loves, and if she can't see that them maybe they should be together, I don't know, I'm late for angies, bit ill see you at the resto-bar later, to you and the guys sing, bye"

Walking out of Jakes I ran into violetta, and Pablo ran in to us, "girls!" He sounded way to excited as we both looked at him "how is the jealousy song coming out" I looked at violetta as she stumbled over her words and I pulled out sheet music from my notebook to save her, I don't know why, but I did, "violetta wrote them, she gave them to me in angies class this morning, so I could look over them" Pablo looked at violetta "these are your lyrics vilu?, they are quite good, very good girls can't wait to hear the final song.

Violetta ' s P.O.V

"Why did you do that, you know those aren't mine" she looked at me and I chuckled "are you serious right now?, I just saved your ass from embarrassment with Pablo you know the song is due tomorrow, and you haven't been to any rehursels, or helped me with, so I wrote it myself, and yes it is about you and leon, get over it, and one more thing, if you honestly think that there is something going on with Léon and I, your full of yourself violetta, it's not my fault that the both of you can't stay in a sted realitionship, maybe it wasn't ment to be, have you ever thought that? , the up, the downs, the breakups, the new people in and out of your lives, by the way, you sing everything in red, I'm in yellow, and green is together. I couldn't believe what she just said to me, most of true.

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