chapter 4 pt 2

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Pablo's P.O.V

"Gather around everyone I have a couple announcement to make, first off, congratulations to all the groups and duest, you guys were amazing. Léon and Victoria did an outstanding job you guys have real chemistry going, and violetta, amazing song you wrote, second off, we are going to have an assignment, it will be based off of the emotion of Jealousy. "I head alot of groans and nooo's "so first, camila and francesca, second Diego and Léon, third, Ludmila, Nati, and Federico, fourth, maxi, Broadway, Andrés, and marco. And finally Violetta and Victoria. It will be presented at the end of the week, it can be a dance, a song, rap, anything you like, however I'd like to have a word with victoria and Léon about your duet"

"So guy's, I'm serious, you guys did an an amazing song how did that come to be" I looked over bother victoria and Léon before victoria spoke "I came up with it Pablo, Léon had already been working on a melody but with no words, so after playing with diffent songs, and styles, the lyrics came to me after talking with violetta about her leon, the song was about their relationship,"

"well job well done, I've been talking with you- mix, and they wanted studio on beat to preform for them again like last year about your final year here in the studio, I'd like it if you and Léon would perform that song again, as well as doing a duet with violetta, léon, the winning couple will be featured in a photoshoot for you-mix, and receive a trip for the two back to spain"

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