Chapter 5

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Léons P.O.V

I followed Victoria to her house, I wonder what got her and vilu so mad, I wanted to know since they were suppose to be singing together, I waited behind a few minutes after I saw victoria go inside and then went to knock on her door, I guess I just missed her because a woman answered,

"Hello young Man," the woman smiled softly at me "Hello Mrs. Bélló, may I speak with Victoria please?, "
She looked at me with concern "may I ask who's looking for my daughter? " suddenly a man came forward, I assume her father "My name is Léon Sir. I'm a friend of victoria's from the studio, and we have two project for class to do, I was wondering if I'd be allowed to talk with her? " "you seem very respective, victoria is up in her room the first door to your left" he moved aside and let me in, "thank you " I said as I walked up the steps and sound victoria room, the door was open and her back was to me, she was sitting at her window seel playing the guitar, and humming somewords.

"Victoria?.." I said softly "Si?.." she turned around to me and her expression changed, "were you crying?" She wiped her eyes and looked away from me "what are you doing here Léon, how did you fine where I live" I chuckled softly "I followed you from the studio, " " You Did What?!" She looked back at me "I just wanted to know if you were okay?, you left in such a hurry why were you and vilu fighting?" I asked her stepping into her room and walked over to her.

"I don't wanna talk about it, please leave léon" she said before showing me the door, "no, what happen, Victoria" she looked up at me, I saw hurt, and confusion mixed with her face "you wanna know why?" I saw a tear role down her face, I reached out wiped it away, but she pushed my hand away

"Why do you even care?!, why did you come, you've been ignoring these pass couple days ever since Pablo told us how well we were, do you not want me as a partner?, do you hate me?" She spat at me and I was taken back I pulled her into a hug

"No, victoria none of that, it's just, I'm confused, I though if I ignored you, my problems would go away, but it hasn't, when we sang together I felt something, something I use to feel with violetta when we sang, and I guess it scared me because I love vilu, and I don't wanna hurt her, but everytime I see you, it's like the first day we met when you fell." I took a step towards her, she was shorted so I towared over her, "L..Léon S..stop" her hand pushed at my chest.

"I'm sorry..." I said in guilt "I just.. I um.. I'm sorry" "violetta doesn't like my song since it's about you and her again, our emotion is jealousy, and I guess I was kind of Jealousy seeing you two together, you guys are so cute, and they way you look at eachother..I guess I just want someone to look at me like that"

I looked down at her "what look is that?" I knew what I was about to do was wrong, but part of me wanted to do it so bad, "Love." She said softly, I tilted her chin up and my hand cupped her cheek pulling her into a soft kiss. "LEON!" she pulled away from me "Léon please, you have to leave right now" she said pushing me out the door until I was gone, I walked home with sorta of a smile.

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