Chapter 3

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Pablo's P.O.V

"Alright, everytime, into the stage room and let me see what you guys have for the welcome back show, First group your up first"

I watched the kids, they had really improved since last year, they were taking it to the next level, I could but help myself and started moving to the music it just makes you wanna to dance, I made sure to look at the kids as a group, and then individually until there preformance was over.

Eveyone clapped and cheered "congratulations. You guy did an amazing job, although Diego, I'd like a word with you after class, please. "Ah, first duet, Federico and Nati, go a head.

"Very good, both of you did great, Nati your shining alot more, keep it up"

"Alright well we have a break right now, I know some of you have class so we will meet after and have the second group start us up,"

Disney's Violetta: senior yearWhere stories live. Discover now