new girl pt 3

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Victoria's P.O.V

After Pablo looked at my ankel, he said it was only a sprain and I should be better in no time, I had to have some help though getting to the music room, and when I did I heard Pablo say I was sitting singing a duet with Léon, he's the one who helped me. Pablo Interrupted my thoughts "Ahh, yes kids, let me Introduce you to a new student, her name is Victoria Bélló and she will be studying here at the studio, I hope your all welcoming to her and Ludmila,?" Pablo started "what?" A blonde headed girl ask, "be nice"

I walked over to the piano where léon and the girl from earlier was "I guess we're singing together?" I said with a soft smile and the girl looked upset at léon, he gave her a kiss on the cheek and a hug "well talk after class okay vilu?" "Sì" she said before walking out of class and Léon turned to face me.

"Tu Hablas español?" (Do you speak spanish) I asked him wondering if he knew, "si" (yes) he replied back. I smiled "Esa chica , ella es tu novia si?"( that girl. She's your girl friend?)
He frowned his eyes brows like I said something wrong "I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you or anything, I was just asking since she didn't look happy about you helping me earlier, I'm sorry about that I'm a bit clumsy" I started to ramble on and it seemed to make him laugh.

"No it fine, I told her what happen, and yes, she's my girlfriend" he told me and grabbed some sheet music "she's very pretty," "thank you, her names Violetta."

"Shall we start?" I asked going over to the key board and played a few keys
"I like it what about this?" Léon went and grabbed a guitar and started to follow me "that's amazing léon," I smiled up at him when foot steps walked in and violetta stood there "am I interrupting something?" She ask, I stood up as léon and her were leaving

," Violetta , sólo quería decir que lo has visto antes, no era nada me caí y Léon ... ( Violetta, I just wanted to say, what you saw earlier, was nothing I fell and Léon..) she looked back at me "you don't have to explain yourself, welcome to the studio," and with that her and Léon left so I stayed playing around with music and trying to come up with lyrics.

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