"I'll do it"

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They pulled up next to the Lawyer in front of an office building in West Hollywood. A strange place for a Lawyers office they mused. Lauren was already there waiting. She was leaning against her bike as she smoked a cigarette her head down avoiding their gazes. Now that the girls were feet away from her, they took in their old friend that they hadn't seen in five long years. She was thick, but not in a fat way. She had muscles that were meant to be hidden by the blue and black checkered flannel, and would have been, had it not been for her arm flexing to take another drag of her cigarette. She had on a pair of light blue Levi's that clung comfortably on her muscular body, and a pair of old work boots that had seen better days.

She didn't say a word of greetings, but just motioned the Lawyer towards the door. The Lawyer stepped into the office as the girls followed, Lauren being last. In his office there were four chairs placed in a row. Normani and Ally took the chairs closest to the door, leaving Camila the only option in sitting next to Lauren.

She was relieved and disappointed when Lauren had chosen to stand, leaning against the Lawyers book shelf away from them. Camila mentally berated herself for that ounce of disappointment and turned facing the lawyer as he took a seat at his desk.

"I've gathered you here to read the parts of Dinah and Siope's will regarding everyone present. Dinah asked for it to take place after her funeral, and has written you each a letter. Her letters will explain her actions regarding her estate and I ask you to hold your questions until you've read them." He started nervously. Dinah had told him what their reactions would be, and after Laurens hit to the face, he was nervous at how they would react.

All four girls nodded for him to continue.

He cleared his throat and pulled a file out of his desk, opening it to the right page, he started to read,"As her family, and her in laws will inherit half of their estate. Emily Hansen will inherit the remaining half." He started and looked at the girls as they nodded for him to continue.

"Guardianship over Emily Hansen will be given in joint custody to Karla Camila Estrabao Cabello and Lauren Michelle Morgado Jauregui. Only under the conditions that they move to Ms. Jauregui's place of residence for the minimum of a year. They are to live in the same residence as they attempt to jointly care for Emily Hansen. The conservators appointed to monitor said regulations, are Normani Kordei Hamilton and Ally Brooke Hernandez. Miss Hansen has purchased a house for each conservator on the street of Ms. Jauregui's residence and has asked them to live there for one year to monitor Emily's Guardians and help them and her daughter in this transition. Should any of the four girls deny her request, Emily Hansen will spend a year in foster care before any of her family's are eligible for adoption. She asks you to adhere to her final requests as her best friends, her second family, and not allow her only daughter to spend her days of grief with strangers." He finished reading and was met with looks of shock.

The three girls sitting were immobile as the will ran through their minds, and then there was an eruption.

"What the hell?! Was she high when she made this?! We can't just pick up and move to where ever the hell this nomad lives!" shouted Camila angrily.

"We have jobs, and families. We can't just move them for a whole year." exclaimed Normani still in shock.

Ally stayed quiet staring at Lauren. She had been staring at her throughout the entire reading of the will, and had yet to see her move or react to anything. Lauren just stood there in deep thought, not saying a word. If Ally had to move for a year to keep little Emily in a safe loving home, then she would do it. And if she had to brow beat the other three, she was ready to start fighting. This was Dinah's last request, and if she knew her friend, Dinah had her reasons for why she made it the way she did. To Ally's shock, Lauren wasn't the one she had to worry about.

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