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Camila had woken up, and disentangling herself from the little girl wrapped around her to see Bianca smiling face.

"Hey Mila." Bianca whispered, not wanting to wake everyone up. Olivia and Lauren were asleep in their chairs on either of her bed sides.

"You have no idea how happy I am that you are okay. You and Lo seem to have a monopoly of scaring the shit out of me." Camila breathed out shakily.

"Sorry Mila. I would say we have really bad luck, but since we haven't been killed off, I think maybe were kinda lucky." Bianca whispered looking art her sleeping mother fondly.

Camila chuckled, moving from the bed, and approaching the teen.

"So I heard you pulled tomb raider, and saved Lauren." Camila stated worried on the effect it may have had on the teen.

But Bianca smiled lightly, and looked at her as if she hadn't held a gun to her father.

"He's was just an evil stranger Mila, and she was my mom. There was no regrets in doing what I did. I would have done anything to get her back to you. You guys have been through enough, and she needs you, like you need her." Bianca whispered smiling sadly.

"Well thank you, not only for helping Lo come back to me safely, but for making sure you did too. Believe it or not, but this family need you. I don't think we would have come back if died. We need our Bianca safe." Camila whispered tearfully.

"I love you alot Mila and I'm so happy you came for Lo. Even if you didn't know you were doing it at the time. You would eventually have come for her." Bianca stated surely.

Camila looked at her wife with a smile as she nodded agreeing. "Soul mates always find each other eventually." Camila whispered.


Once Olivia and Emily had woken up, Bianca's room was full of tearful hello's and laughing. Camila left to the Cafeteria to get them all breakfast, seeing a angry Amy marching into the hospital with an equally angry Meg approaching her, Camila grew worried.

Stopping down the hall from the room, Camila asked,"Whats wrong?"

"Austin Mahone paid Bianca's father to kill Lo. That's how he could afford the truck her used to ram the fucking van. Not only did Richard confess, but we have the prison visiting records." Amy ranted angrily.

Camila's breath hitched, and a rage entered her that she had never experienced before. It may have been her hormones, but Camila didn't care. Handing the Doctor the food bags, Camila said,"Keep Lo busy for a few hours. If she asks where I am, tell her I went to the store or needed to lay down and that I'm fine."

"Where are you going?" asked Meg worried.

Camila started to walk away as she spat,"To pay someone a visit."


"Are you sure you wanna do this Mila?" Ally asked nervously, as they approached the prison.

Camila ignored the worried looks on her friends faces, and approached the reception desk saying,"I want to visit Austin Mahone."

The guard at the desk manning the computer logs, picked up a phone, and Camila and the girls were led to a open area, were other prisoners were visiting with friends and family.

They took seats at a open bench, and waited for the guards to bring him in.

Austin entered the room, wearing a grin at the sight of Camila waiting for him, and hurriedly wlked towards them.

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