The Trial Part 4

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The court room was silent as the judge sat in his seat looking pensive.

"Who wants to go first?" He asked the two attorneys.

Amy and Williams looked at each other, neither saying a word.

The Judge sighed and asked, "Any one got a quarter?"

Amy pulled out her lucky quarter anticipating just this, and said,"I do!"

The Judge smiled amused, and held out his hand as she tossed it to him. Catching it, he asked her, "heads or tails?"

"Heads." Amy said confidently.

"Okay." He said flipping the quarter, catching it and slapping against the back of his left hand.

"Heads wins. First or last?" He asked smiling.

"Last sir." Amy said after fist pumping in victory.

Williams glared at her, and angrily turned to Austin. After whispering together for a minute, Austin stood.

"Enter the witness box Mr. Mahone." The Judge ordered.

Austin made his way to the box in his nice suit, looking sure of himself.

"Your witness Williams." The Judge ordered.

The Lawyer stood in front of his client, and started his questioning.

"What kind of house hold did your grow up in Mr. Mahone?" Williams asked.

"A two parent house hold." Austin answered smiling.

"You had a mother and a father?" asked Williams.

"Yes." Austin answered.

"What was the house hold dynamic like?" asked Williams.

"My father made rules and my mother followed them. He was the man of the house, it was expected." Austin answered smiling.

"So Men have a more dominate role in your family." Williams asked.

"Yes. We're men. It's in our nature to lead. We work hard, support our family's and are obeyed." Austin answered.

"So the idea of a woman coming in and trying to steal what you feel is rightfully yours makes you angry, and at times irrationally enraged." Williams asked.

Austin's face turned into a hateful glare, as his eyes met an angry Lauren's. "Yes." He gritted out.

"Are you a violent person by nature Mr. Mahone?" asked Williams.

"No. I don't get into fights, and I don't hurt woman." Austin stated.

"But when it comes to Ms. Jauregui, you seem to lose your rationality." Williams pushed.

"She wants what's mine! I had her first, so Camila is mine!" Austin said as his voice started to raise.

"So when you feel threatened you become a different person? You cant control your emotions?" Williams stated.

"No I can't." Austin responded.

"So to you, it's natural to defend what is yours, even go to extreme measures? Doesn't that sound like you are unbalanced?" Williams stated glaring at Austin to cooperate.

"I get a little worked up when people try to take things away from me." Austin said avoiding the question.

"So the way you react to things like that is normal for you?" asked Williams.

"Yes." Austin said in agreement.

"On the day you shot Ms. Jauregui, before you entered the shop, how was your mental state?" asked Williams.

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