Second chances

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 A/N: Wattpad asked me to warn ppl that this is part is mature. So warning content may be triggering

Lauren made her way past her families graves ignoring everyone. When she got to her car she saw a note attached to her windshield.

Opening it, she read: "I have something that will show  how pathetic the Jauregui family really is, and if you don't meet me on the south side of the cemetery, the world will know too."

Crumbling up the note, Lauren exhaled shakily. Burying her family was hard enough, and to deal with someone this heartless was something she didn't need. She was about to ignore the note, when her heart lurched making her stop in her tracks.

What if they really had something on her family? She just buried them, and couldn't bare for the world to judge whatever mistakes her family may had made. Realizing she need to at least see what this person had, she got in her car and made her way to the south side of the cemetery angrily.

Seeing a familiar black mercedes parked to the side, Lauren furiously stopped the car and got out in a rage.

"Your trying to blackmail me on the day I bury my family?! You son of a bitch! Do you honestly think Camila will want anything to do with you after this?" Lauren shouted angrily.

Austin smirked as he leaned against his car smugly.

"She'll never find out because your never going to tell her." Austin responded smiling evilly.

"And why the hell would you possibly think I wouldn't tell her?" Lauren spat angrily. her emotions were boiling to the surface, and it was causing her chest to hurt as the veins in her neck felt like they wanted to burst.

"Because not only will I sell the paparazzi videos of your brother being a pot head, I'll show them pictures of your mother being a drunk. If that's not enough, I'll let the world know what kind of freak you really are. I can see it already, Fifth Harmony's girl with a penis. I'm sure it will make me a lot of money." Austin answered non chalantly.

Laurens face paled, and her body started to shake.

"Y-you have no proof.."Lauren responded shakily.

Austin laughed darkly with a smug grin. Reaching into his car, he pulled out a lap top that was set to a file. Clicking on it, a video of Chis appeared. He was smoking from a bong, and laughing with his friends. Once Lauren had seen enough, Austin changed the screen to pictures of her mother walking around a rehabilitation center, and others coming out of AA meetings. There we're a few of her passed out with a drink in her hand, making Lauren want to throw up.

"Is that proof enough?" Austin asked smirking.

"W-why are you doing this?" asked Lauren fighting the tears threatening to escape her eyes.

Austin snapped the lap top closed and threw it on the back seat of his car as he glared at her.

"Because you freak, think you can want whats mine. I know all about you stupid crush on Camila. And if you think I'm going to allow the woman that will eventually be MY wife to associate with freaks, then you got another thing coming. I warned her about your friendship with her being to close to be friends, and I'm tired of the world thinking Camren will ever happen. Once your gone, people will see I'm more than man enough for her, and your ridiculous fans will realize that all Camren was.. Was the pathetic dream of a freak." Austin spat angrily.

"You really think Camila will love you? You cant even pronounce her name right!" Lauren mocked angrily.

"So what? At least I'll give her a normal life. What will you give her? People will never except you. Especially if they ever find out about you. Do you think Camila will feel anything for you once she see's what a freak you really are? You have one choice. Disappear. Break all ties to the girls, and never see them again. Never come back to Miami, its not like there's anything here for you anyway." Austin mocked arrogantly.

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