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After the successful visit from the Hansen's, the Jauregui family was closer than ever. It was as if, the last barrier holding them apart had been lifted, and their bond proven strong.

Camila reached her seventh month, and she was starting to become restless. Lauren and the girls helped her as much as they could, but Camila was having difficulty with the way her body was getting ready for birth and it was making her a little insane.

The front door slammed making Ally, Normani and Bianca wince, and the sound of shouting surprised them.

"You were looking at her Lauren, I'm not blind!" Camila shouted crying.

The woman entered the living room, watching a crying Camila pace angrily, as Lauren looked ready to lose her mind.

Gripping her head, Lauren breathed in deeply, reminder herself that this was just another mood swing.

"Babe I swear to you, I was not looking at anyone. The woman dropped a can from her cart, and all I did was pick it up and hand it to her." Lauren said calmly, trying to sooth her frantic wife.

"Oh you were just HELPING her than? Is that why your eyes were stuck on her chest!" Camila shouted almost hysterically.

Lauren threw her hands up and said,"She had a infant in a sling Camila! If you weren't so set on finding me checking out another woman, you would have seen the baby that was making it impossible for her to bend down and pick up the can!"

"Oh she just conveniently had a baby Lauren! How great for you!" spat Camila hysterically crying into her hands.

"Babe, I love you. I have only loved you. Please see that this is just another mood swing gone bad and get a hold of your self." Lauren said tiredly.

"Oh shit Lo!" Bianca shouted panicking. Ally and Normani hid behind the teen, and glaring at Lauren.

"Get a hold of myself?! Are you fucking kidding me Lauren? Why is it every time I get mad at you, you call it a MOOD SWING!" Shouted Camila angrily marching towards her wife pissed.

"I'm a grown ass woman, and I would know if I was having a damn mood swing!" Camila shouted.

"Babe.." Lauren started, seeing how badly she had messed up.

"No Lauren! I'm as big as a whale with your baby damn it! I can't see my feet! No wonder your checking out other woman! Who could blame you when your wife is whale!" Camila sobbed losing it.

Lauren hugged her wife, looking at the scowling woman and teen pathetically.

"Babe even if you were as big as a whale I would still find you beautiful." Lauren said sincerely.

Camila pushed Lauren away scowling, and Lauren flinched at the menacing look in her wife's eyes.

"Unbelievable." Camila muttered marching up the stares.

Lauren stared at her wife helplessly as she marched to their room, and muttered to herself,"What did I say wrong?"

"Lauren you don't EVER tell your wife you'd still love her even IF she was a whale. She feels like a whale, so you just inadvertently called you wife a freaking whale." Ally exclaimed scowling towards her friend.

Lauren looked up the stairs horrified and exclaimed,"But I didn't mean it like that!"

"When your PREGNANT wife accuses you of checking someone out, you deny it and show her she's the only woman for you. You don't argue with her! Did you learn nothing from Troy?" Normani exclaimed angrily.

Lauren looked down and said,"That's not fair. This is my first time dealing with a pregnant wife. He didn't exactly school me on how to deal with someone as irrational as Camila."

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