Trial part two

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"Defense's witness, Simon Cowell"

Simon entered the courtroom with a scowl. He glared at Austin like he was the dirt beneath his shoe, and all Austin did was smirk at him.

Sitting down, Simon waited impatiently as Williams looked at his pad of questions.

"Mr. Cowell, you fired Mr. Mahone because you found out about his non disclosure agreement with Mrs. Jaurgui is that correct." Williams asked curiously.

"No that is not correct." Simon said arrogantly.

"But you were aware of his missteps for years, and yet it wasn't until you learned about his grudge against Mrs. Jauregui that you fired him. Is that correct." stated Williams trying to trip Simon.

"Yes, that's quite accurate." Simon nodded definitively.

"Then you fired him because of favoritism towards Mrs. Jauregui." Williams said smiling.

"That is incorrect." Simon said with an arrogant smile.

"Mr. Cowell you just said you fired him because of Lauren Jauregui, did you not." Williams said frustratingly.

"It was a contributing factor but not the ultimate factor." Simon said smiling.

"Then what was the ultimate factor? You had no problem working with him before learning about his vengeful nature towards Mrs. Jauregui, what changed?" Williams continued annoyed.

"If Mr. Mahone had no indiscretions, and his power hungry act towards Lauren was the only act he committed, then I would have talked to him and warned him of consequences of pursuing such acts as someone of his esteem, and he would have still been in my employment. However, since Austin as left a trail of drugs and sleezy womanizing in his path, I decided that it was the last straw. I will not back a celebrity that uses his power to ruin others lives. Power I give him. Especially Lauren Jauregui. If she would have ever come between Mr. Mahone's relationship between Camila Cabello, then I would have let them resolve the situation privately. However, I know from experience that no such thing happened. When he used his power to get in between them, I was stupid, and thought their love nothing but teen romance. But ten years went by, and they still loved each other. You could see it in their eyes that a love like that had no limitations. I regretted not saying anything when Austin destroyed Laurens attempts to woo Camila, and till this day is still one of my biggest regrets. Had I come forward and told the girls what was happening then I could have saved us a lot of trouble." Simon answered guiltily glancing at Lauren and Camila.

They smiled at him and held up their clasped hands wearing their wedding rings, silently telling him he was forgiven, because they were together now, and that was all that mattered.

"How did Mr. Mahone react to his termination at SYCO records?" asked Williams.

"He reacted immaturely, as was his nature. He shouted, and became hostile, and I had security escort him out of the building." Simon said smirking.

"So he acted irrationally for someone of his stature?" asked Williams, trying to prove his point of insanity.

Simon laughed as everyone looked at him confused.

"I have dealt Diva's and arrogant artist for almost thirty years, Austin acted like every other artist that misbehaved and canned. Like a two year old being told no. It doesn't make him insanr just immature, reckless, and a man with more expectations of granduer than should be allowed." Simon said shrugging with a grin.

"So your saying that his getting fired had no baring what so ever on his irrational action towards Mrs. Jauregui." Williams uttered in disbelief.

"You just said it sir, Irrational, not insane. Austin has hated Lauren for years because she had the one thing no amount of testosterone could give him, Camila's heart. I am positive, had I not fired him, Austin would still have tried to hurt Lauren, because the one thing you forget, is that this man blackmailed Lauren at a cemetery on the day of Laurens family's funeral. What kind of heartless bastard does that? He went to those extreme lengths to just keep a friendship between Lauren and Camila nonexistent. If he had found out that they were together finally after all his attempts to keep them apart, do you really think he wouldn't have tried to hurt Lauren. You would answer no because your getting paid to. But the rest of us RATIONAL people, know when we see someone with no care about hurting Lauren, and that was Austin Mahone." answered Simon in his usual sarcastic arrogant tone.

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