A day of Firsts

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A/N: If you couldn't read the last chapter it was because wattpad put it on private. Just follow me and you should be fine.

Lauren parked in the elementary school nervous.

She was nervous when she dropped Emily off that morning, and she was even more nervous now. She hoped from the bottom of her heart that the girl hard a good day at school, or it was going to be difficult to make the girl go back. Emily had already been through enough that summer, and Lauren prayed that the school year would be better for the little girl.

Climbing out of the car, Lauren felt a little intimidated by the amount of parents that were picking up their kids. She felt like she didn't belong in the sea of them waiting for their kids to be released, and silently wished with everything she had that it was Dinah in her place.

She watched the teachers leading the lines of kinder gardeners out into the school building and felt all her tension release as she gazed at a smiling Emily. Emily spotted Lauren and ran towards her, excited to see her there.

"Hey bug, hows was your day?" Lauren asked smiling at the little girl.

"I had so much fun! We colored and sang songs! I made a friend, her name is Erica! We played together, and look I got a gold star for being good!" Emily gushed excitedly as she showed Lauren the stamp on her hand.

Relieved, Lauren smiled and said,"Sounds like you had a good day! You hungry? We can get something to eat before I take you to daycare?"

"Can we eat at the diner?" squealed Emily bouncing on her feet.

Lauren chuckled and grabbed the little girls hand as she answered,"Sounds like a plan kid. You can tell me all about your day while we eat."

Emily squealed loudly, clapping her hands and followed the raven haired woman to the van.


After dropping Emily in daycare, Lauren returned to the shop for a few hours, before leaving to pick up her girls for the day. First stopping at the elementary school to pick up Ally and her son Manuel, she sat in the Van and waited for the short Latina to make her appearance.

Ally opened the car door happily exclaiming,"Hi Lo!"

Grinning Lauren replied,"Hey Ally, how was you day?"

"Oh my gosh Lo, I had the best day! A lot of the kids knew our songs, and we had a sing a long, and it was the most fun I've had in a while." Ally gushed happily, strapping in her son as she climbed into back with him.

Lauren smiled, happy that so far everyone was having a good day.


Pulling into the high school, Camila, Normani and Bianca were there waiting for them ready to go. Judging by the smiles on their faces, they also had a wonderful day.

Climbing into the passenger seat, Camila kissed Lauren on the cheek smiling."

"I take it you had a good day?" asked Lauren.

"I had the best day ever! Its almost as exciting as being on stage! And some of the kids are really talented! They were so excited and motivated, a glee club was just what the needed here."Camila gushed ecstatic.

"How about you Mani?" asked Ally smiling.

"Girl, these kids really wanted to dance! It was awesome. They were eager and ready to do whatever I told them. I've never had so much fun teaching than I did today!" Normani exclaimed.

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