Letting go is hard

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Lauren stepped out onto the softball field of her old school, and watched as the moon's light cast a silver glow to the bleachers.

"Why here?" asked Bianca curiously, as she walked onto the field beside Lauren.

"Before Fifth harmony, I was just a average girl, who loved to play sports. I was on the Varsity Softball team, and before my parents had ever cheered me on with thousands of screaming fans, they cheered me on here like every other parent would." Lauren explained walking towards first base.

Looking to the stands, Laurens eyes filled with tears, as memories she had pushed back for years surfaced and she need to release them before they consumed her.

"I would be standing right here, focusing on getting the next batter out, and I could hear my parents screaming at me to keep my head up. If I couldn't get the person out, my dad would shout,'next one Lo! You'll get the next one.' " Lauren said smiling.

"They were my biggest fans before I ever had actual fans following me around. Before I was Lauren Jauregui the pop star, famous singer of the most famous girl group America has ever seen, I was just a girl, trying to make her family proud by winning a softball game." Lauren continued, as tears ran down her face.

Bianca stayed silent, knowing Lauren needed to say everything on her mind, looking at her now mother, she could literally see Lauren's mind racing with memories, and silently was glad she had stayed up for her.

"Chris and Taylor would be shouting with My mom and dad, while they stuffed themselves with food. Chris usually had some kind of cheese on his shirt, while Taylor held up signs. When I was on the road, I missed them so much, and when I was in my bunk missing them, I would replay those memories, questioning if the path I had taken was the right one." Lauren said breathing heavily.

"But then I remembered the tears my father cried, as he held my mother, when I left the stage after my auditon, and I knew by doing what I loved, and making my dreams come true, made them prouder than anything else. When I doubted myself before the drive to North Carolina, they sat me down and told me if this is what I truly wanted, then they believe I would be the one to make it to the top. Those words pushed me to sing with everything I had that day, and nothing I have in my life worth anything, was earned without them being who they were. They were the best parents anyone could ask for. " Lauren choked out bringing her hands to her face and breaking into deep sobs.

God being on this field, where she could practically hear her father cheering, and see her family smiling at her, hurt so much. She didn't know how she would get through tomorrow, if just being at her old school brought this much pain.

Falling to her knees, Lauren's body shook with sobs, and Bianca's tears stung at hearing the painful cries come from the woman she had come to call mother.

Kneeling next to her, Bianca didn't say a word, there was nothing she could say, just like there was nothing that anyone could say to rid herself of the pain of losing her own mother. So she wrapped her arms around Lauren, and cried with her.

Comfort. Understanding. This was what was missing when her parents died, when was forced from everyone who could give it to her. Just being held by Bianca, helped the sobs slow, and the tears dry, as she gripped the teen tightly, and breathed in the smell of love.

Love was a fickle thing. It could break you beyond measure, or it could pick you up to soar the skies. The love Lauren had for her family had broken her, because their loss was more than she could bare to accept. But the love a daughter had for a mother, the love of a wife for her partner, was enough for Lauren to pull away and wipe her tears. It was enough to give Bianca a thankful smile, and enough to accept the hand offering her up to bring her back to life. Getting up when she'd been broken was always hard for Lauren, but every time she did, she found a new strength to take on whatever lay ahead of her.

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