Thanking the Heavens

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Lauren woke up before the sun had risen in the sky, and crept down the hall checking on her sleeping children. Seeing them all asleep, she made her way down the stairs too emotional for the days activities to find sleep again.

Making her way into the kitchen, she turned on the light, and started to make herself coffee.

She stood in front of the coffee pot, staring at the coffee brewing slowly, and reflected on everything this day held for her family.


Lauren never liked it. But had grown to accept it. It was something that had taken her years, after having lost her parents, and even now, it left a sour taste in her mouth. She had grown to love her life the way it was, and now things were going to change, maybe for the better, maybe not.

She jumped, at the sound of someone entering the kitchen, and turned around to see Camila leaning against the door holding their sleeping daughter in her arms.

"Couldn't sleep?" asked Camila quietly.

Lauren shook her head slowly, avoiding her wife's eyes. She reached into her pocket slowly, fingering the piece of paper she had read more times than was worth counting.

"Big day." Laure whispered quietly.

Smiling sadly, Camila took a seat at the table, and waited for her wife to let her in. Lauren was about to open her mouth, when there was creak at their front door.

Looking towards the hallway, the Jauregui's were surprised to see Ally, and Normani padding into the kitchen quietly in their pajama's.

"What are you guys doing up so early?" whispered Camila surprised.

"We couldn't sleep and saw your kitchen light on. Figured we'd keep you company if you couldn't sleep either." Ally whispered quietly.

"Plus there was something we had to talk to you guys about, but I'm not saying anything without some coffee in me." Normani added smiling.

Lauren nodded in understanding, and pulled out three cups, and some muffins she had picked up at the diner from Nora. Placing everything needed on the table. Lauren poured the coffee in a pitcher, keeping it hot and brought it to the table.

The three woman poured them selves coffee, as Camila pouted in envy.

"I can't wait to stop breast feeding. I miss coffee." Camila said wistfully.

Normani and Ally laughed softly in understanding, as Lauren kissed her wife's temple sympathetically.

"So. Dinah's WILL guidelines end next month." Ally started quietly, and Camila shot her wife a worried look, knowing how hard the brunette reacted to change.

Lauren glared at the table, confirming this shit day, when Normani's next word rocked her to her core.

"And we decided to stay here." Normani finished smiling.

Lauren's head shot up, and her mouth hung open in surprise, making the girls giggle.

"Y-your staying? But what about your families? and your houses?" asked Lauren still reeling.

The two woman shrugged and Ally said,"We have plenty of money, and the boys do well at your shop. We have a free house here. We can keep the house back home for when we visit, or rent it out. We're happy here. We see our kids more now, and our marriages are doing better than they ever were. Going back would be well... Going back. If you know what I mean."

Normani nodded and added,"I love my job, and Arin loves what he's doing. The kids are happy at their schools, and this town is perfect. We have privacy here, we would never get in Texas or LA. There's no reason to leave. We can fly our families here, or go visit, but I don't want to have to start over without you girls again. Once was enough and I wasn't happy."

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