Where dreams become reality

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"Where dreams become reality" Camila read aloud, walking with the girls up the steps of the high school.

"That plaque actually was a school gift from last years seniors. They sold baked goods for an entire year to be able to afford it. I offered to help, but they said I had already done enough for them. I did however buy enough cookies to make me wanna hurl. I had to send some to a homeless shelter in the city so I wouldn't hurt their feelings."Lauren said chuckling.

"They sound like good kids." Ally said smiling.

Lauren smiled turning her gaze to the ground as she walked.

"They are some great kids. Heck the whole town is. Some were skeptical of me when I first showed up, but I guess I grew on them. These schools are the kind of schools we would have loved to be apart of when we were younger. There's no bullying, no real cliques, everyone is pretty accepting. Sure there are some drama's here and there, but for the most part its a safe place for kids. When they renamed the school, the students made the founders fifth harmony, mainly because they said we were an inspiration. We stood for things that enveloped what the students felt was relevant. In the social media class, they watched our interviews when we first started out, and saw how we were affected by bullying and harsh cyber criticism. It made them realize that their not the only ones out there who suffer even celebs like us did, we pushed forward and fought for our dreams and inspired many. The school song was voted in, and made Brave honest beautiful. The boys even have their own version of it, it started out as a prank but later turned into their own anthem. Its pretty funny when the boys and girls try to out sing each other." Lauren finished giggling.

"That's amazing Lo." Normani said smiling.

"Not that I'm opposed to a town all about us, but what started this whole thing?" asked Camila curious.

Lauren shrugged and said, "It started with the diner, daycare, and boutique I guess. The kids loved it so much, and when I started bringing artists here for private shows, they were inspired I guess. The students were the ones to demand renaming of the school, they decided they weren't happy with what they had, and that they wanted the school to hold more meaning to them instead of some weird mascot like bears or something. When the school board tried to argue that naming it after a girl group was risky, because years from now who knows if the young generation will even like our music, the students argued it wasn't just because of the music. There was this one student her name was Bianca, and she made a speech about how we had started out young like them and worked hard to achieve the American dream, and used it to inspire kids from around the world to be happy with themselves just the way they are. She said "It's not because their popular, it's because they each are different and when together make art. Different nationalities and backgrounds brought together to be idols that teens can look up to. What better mascot to promote individualism, equality and unity is there?" Lauren stated from memory.

"Wow." breathed Camila.

"My heads getting a little big guys." Normani giggled.

"I didn't think we were that great." said Ally insecurely.

Lauren stopped at the door and turned to the girls, "I didn't think so either at first, but I put my self in their place and rewatched our interviews, listened to our music, watched how we interacted and encouraged our fans, and realized we helped a lot of people. We were just too lost in fame to realize we what we were doing. It made me realize that making the diner as a tribute to our friendship was wrong, I should have made it for the fans that believed in us, and looked up to us, even when we didn't feel like we deserved them to. If we had celebrities like that growing up, maybe things would have been different. Maybe Dinah wouldn't have been so insecure about her height or social class, or Mani of her background, Ally of her innocence, and Camila for her social awkwardness and dorky nature. And well, we all know I was a blunt bitch who had a list of insecurities. Maybe if we had more people like us and Demi, it would have been a bit easier to accept ourselves for who we were..... an ordinary kind of extraordinary." she finished pulling the door and holding it open for them.

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