Sometimes second best is still a blessing

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Lauren woke up with a sleeping Camila in her arms. She smiled at the beautiful woman for a few minutes, and thought it really was possible for all her dreams to come true. She only wished her family were there to see her as happy as she was. It was all they ever wanted fo her.

After almost a half hour of admiring Camila's adorable sleeping face, Lauren gently woke her up by stroking her back, as she kissed her face. Placing gentle kisses on Camila's forehead, then nose and finally lips, she felt lips gently kissing her back.

"Hey.." Camila said huskily.

"Good morning beautiful, we have to get up and start the day. We have a busy day today, and I have a date to plan." Lauren whispering smiling.

"Camrens first date." said Camila giggling as she stretched.

Lauren laughed with a smile and said,"First of many."

Camila smiled to her self and said,"How about you wake the girls up and I jump in the shower? I can drop them off while you take the bike and get started on your day. You still have to find a sitter for our girls for tonight."

"Oh Aunty Sam will be babysitting tonight, even if she doesn't know it." Lauren said chuckling.

Camila laughed and climbed out of bed, and started to make her way to the bathroom in her room. Lauren dragged herself out of bed and went to wake the kids.

Entering Emily's room, Lauren smiled at the child's sleeping face and thought about how strange it was to raise children. It was a dream she gave up a long time ago. She was glad she was getting this second chance, despite the way it came about.

Softly shaking Emily, Lauren whispered,"Time to get ready for school Em."

Emily whined and groaned, trying to ignore her, but eventually opened her eyes with a smile.

"School?" asked Emily.

"Yup. You gotta get up so I can make you some pancakes and bacon." Lauren teased smiling.

Emily scrambled out of bed shooing Lauren away.

"I'm up, go go!" Emily shouted pushing Lauren out the door as the woman laughed.

Making her way to Bianca's room, Lauren opened the teens door and thought of a more appropriate way to wake the girl.

Jumping on the bed, Lauren shouted,"Get up, get up! Time for school!"

Bianca jerked awake, almost falling off the bed as she scowled at Lauren.

"Not cool LO! Bianca shouted annoyed.

Lauren laughed jumping off the bed and ran towards the door shouting,"Pancakes and bacon in twenty!"


They were eating breakfast as they talked about their plans for the week.

"Um... Lo?" said Bianca hesitantly.

"Whats up B?" said Lauren with a mouth full of pancakes.

"Lauren Michelle swallow your food before you speak!" Camila ordered sternly.

Lauren quickly swallowed, and pushed away the memory or her mother s her eyes glossed over. Turning to Bianca as a distraction, she asked,"Whats up?"

"Well, marching band practice starts tomorrow.. and I'll have to be at school at six thirty. I know its early, so I can have Liv pick me up if you cant take me." Bianca said lowly looking at her plate.

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