My only choice

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Lauren and Camila rushed into the hospital reading Bianca's text, and made their way quickly to Ally's room.

Entering the room, Lauren looked around the room and said,"Where's Troy?"

"Him and Arin were almost to the Charelston to pick up a special ordered part when they got my call. Their on their way back now. Sam's calling the garage and letting them know we can't pick it up today." Bianca informed Lauren.

"Normani is on her way, she had to wait till a substitute arrived. She's picking up Jesse and taking him to daycare so she doesn't have to rush back to pick him up when Ally's delivering." Kat added.

"What the heck smalls? I wanted to be there for your water to break and your babies choose the only time I leave work early?" Camila pouted.

Ally scowled and said,"I didn't know it was going to break today Mila. I thought my back was just hurting from the extra weight. Plus its normal to get Braxton hicks contractions so close to my due date."

"Is Mila whining about missing the water breaking? I knew she would." Normani laughed entering the room.

"Did you pick up Emily too?" asked Lauren.

"Yeah and Manuel, she's at the daycare with the kids. Their excited to be getting a new baby." Normani added grinning.

Camila looked at Ally's pained face and said,"Your making me rethink ever having my own kids. That looks painful."

"Well if its like anything like being shot than Ally's a soldier because that's gotta hurt." Lauren said agreeing.

"You guys are not making me feel better! God, why are you in such a good mood? Troy said earlier you were all kinds of grumpy." Ally gritted out panting softly.

Lauren and Camila looked at each other and grinned blushing. The other woman in the room noticed, and their minds curiously started to wander, until they came to a laughable conclusion.

"They had sex." Bianca said laughing.

"Bianca!" Lauren and Camila shouted horrified.

"What? I'm 18, I know where babies come from. Your both hot, and it would be a crime if girls like you cant get laid." Bianca defended shrugging as if it was obvious.

"Oh my god." Lauren breather flustered.

"Did you use protection?" accused Ally in her no- nonsense tone.

Lauren and Camila's heads snapped towards each other terrified, as the realization of their irresponsibility fell on them like a ton of bricks.

"I take that as a no." Bianca stated with a smirk.

"Oh my god. Your on birth control right Camz?" Lauren asked worried.

Camila glared at Lauren angrily, as Normani whispered,"Oh shit."

"Contrary to your belief, I wasn't thinking we were going to be having sex. I had an appointment next week to get some, since I've been worried about you not dying for the past five freaking months."Camila spat angrily.

Lauren winced and slumped her shoulders guiltily. Camila was unaffected by Laurens soft expression, because she was on full rant mode.

"And it's the penis owners job to wrap up not mine. Yes I should have made sure you did, but your old enough to know what to do! Did Sam teach you nothing about safety!" Camila ranted carelessly, not noticing Sam shake her head pleadingly.

Lauren no longer wore a soft expression, her face took on a hard look as her voice stayed calm but deadly.

"I'm sorry Camila that I'm not an expert at having sex after the one awkward time I did. I'm sorry that after spending fifteen years of praying for you to finally want me that I was so in the moment I forgot to W.R.A.P up as you say. I'm sorry that I wasn't arrogant enough to believe you would sleep with me anytime I wanted and didn't think to bring a condom. Thank you for acting like the most beautiful thing I ever experienced was a nothing more than a mistake to you. I promise not ever have sex again, because I'm apparently too stupid to understand the simple things like safety." Lauren ranted with a hurt expression as tears welled her eyes.

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