Oh my God

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It had been three weeks since Ally had baby Jane, and the girls were busy trying to balance it all. Ally was busy trying to recover from her birth as Normani helped her, while Lauren and Camila were busy preparing themselves for Austins trial with Amy. They were juggling their children, and jobs like they had their career and personal live while they toured. Tiredly, yet happily.

Camila was in the middle of her first class of the day, lecturing on the importance of choosing songs that matched their voice style, when she suddenly felt ill. Rushing to the waste basket, she proceeded to empty her stomach of everything she had for breakfast.

Bianca jumped from her seat with Olivia, and ran towards her foster mother as she shakily sank to the floor.

"Are you okay Mila?" asked Bianca worriedly.

Camila nodded slowly, wondering what the hell just happened, when a sudden realization dawned on her.

"Yeah Olivia I need you to call Kat to find me a sub. Try to keep the class in check till someone comes will you? Bianca can you help me to the bathroom?" Camila asked shaking slightly.

Both girls nodded and rushed to do what their teacher needed. Bianca gathered Camila in her arms as she helped her off her place on the floor, and slowly walked her to the rest room.

Once inside, Camila threw up whatever was left in her stomach, surprising her because she honestly didn't know anything was left.

Kat walked in at the sound of Camila retching and quickly grabbed a hand towel, wetting it she applied it to Camila's forehead.

"This is why people remember condoms." Kat joked smiling sadly.

Bianca's eyes widened as she exclaimed,"Your pregnant!"

Camila nodded her head and said,"Probably. I mean I'm not sure, but throwing up on the fly isn't a talent I normally have."

"I have someone covering you class for the day. Bianca will you take her home? You can come back when you drop her off with Lo. I have a feeling a store run is in their future." Kat asked smiling.

Camila squinted her eyes at Kat and said,"Why are you so happy right now? You would think your the one engaged and having babies."

"Your engaged!" Kat and Bianca shouted.

Camila nodded her head weakly and said,"Since the day Ally gave birth. We've had so much going on we haven't felt it was the right time to tell everyone. But I'm tired of waiting for the right time. Yeah were engaged."

"This is why I'm excited! Camren's getting married and having babies! It's like finding out Santa is real!" Kat squealed.

Bianca nodded frantically agreeing as she followed the principal in squealing in excitement.

"Well, come on B. Let's go find out if I'm going to be actually having a Camren baby or if this is just the price of over eating Lo's awesome waffles." Camila mumbled feeling sick.


Lauren was in her office laughing with Sam when Bianca and Camila walked in. Seeing her fiance not in school Lauren started to nervously slow her chewing.

"What are you doing here?" asked Lauren after quickly swallowing.

Camila walked into the office and tossed a paper bag casually on Laurens desk, as she said,"I was feeling sick so Kat got a sub for me. I brought you a present."

Ignoring the bag Lauren focused on Camila.

"You were sick? Do you need me to run out and get you soup or some cough medicine? Tums?" Lauren suggested concerned.

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