Camren wedding bells

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Lauren was picking up the Cabello's from the airport, and she was slightly paranoid on how they were going to act towards her. I mean she got their daughter pregnant. That can't be good, right?

She was pacing the baggage claim, nervously as people paid her no mind. One college student noticed from afar and walked over to her hesitantly. Lauren noticed her nervously approaching, and smiled.

"Hi." Said the girl.

"Why Hello. Anything I can do for you sweetie?' Lauren asked kindly, grateful for the distraction.

"Um.. I was wondering if you could sign this for me." The girl hesitantly asked as she held up a pen and paper.

Lauren smiled warmly and took it without question and asked,"What's you name?

The girl quietly said,"Amanda."

"Well Amanda, are you a fellow harmonizer?" Lauren asked smiling as she wrote the girl a message, signing her paper.

The girls eyes lit up and she quickly nodded her head. "Yeah, I saw you guys a few times in high school."

"So are you a Camren fan?" Lauren asked smiling.

Amanda nervously nodded.

"Can I tell you a secret, from me to you?" Lauren asked smiling widely.

Amanda nodded anxiously.

"I'm marrying Camila Cabello next week. As a fellow harmonizer I thought you'd enjoy knowing that. " Lauren whispered smiling.

"Really!" Amanda whisper yelled excitedly.

"Really. I'm picking up her parents today. Since your such a fan, do you know our private link? The one we don't broadcast for the media?" asked Lauren.

Amanda nodded enthusiastically.

"Well were going to film a short video of it next week with Chelsea Briggs, just for loyal fans that have supported Camren throughout the years. You should check it, and when were done here, you should spread the word on the link, so others know." Lauren suggested with a smile.

Amanda nodded excitedly and asked,"Can I get a picture so people know I'm not crazy?"

Lauren laughed nd said,"Absolutely."

The two took a few pictures on Amanda's phone, and when they were done, Lauren gave the girl a warm hug, watching her walk away with a smile.

"That was so cute Lauren!" Sofie spoke behind, her making her jump.

Turning around, Lauren nervously took in Camila's family, and relaxed when all she saw was smiles.

"Hey." Lauren stuttered nervously.

"Come give us a hug Mija! You were family before this, but now your really going to be family!" Sinhue exclaimed excitedly, as she hugged Lauren, beaming a wide smile.

Lauren's heart fluttered at the idea of having a mother again, and she smiled tearfully. She hugged each Cabello, and then proceeded to help them carry their bags to the Van. For the rest of the ride, she was bombarded by excited questions about the baby and the wedding, making Lauren smile and laugh at their excitement.


"Lauren!" Camila yelled from the kitchen.

Lauren scrambled from her seat in the living room, where she had been talking shop with the boys and Sam, and entered the kitchen panicking.

"What's wrong is it the baby? Do you need to go to the doctor? Are you hungry? I can pick up pizza from the pizzeria. Are you sick? I can get the tablets the doctor gave you?" Lauren rambled slightly shaking.

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