Found out

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Lauren had made her rounds through the festival. She hung out with fans, signed autographs for new comers, raffled off tickets and made sure everyone was taken care of. Camila and the girls left at almost midnight, and around two A.M. Lauren was walking through her quiet house. The night had been more emotionally draining than she thought it would be. She flicked the light in the kitchen on, and walked to her fridge. Opening it, she saw a case of Beer and sighed in relief. Gripping a bottle, she twisted the cap and started to deeply drink. Once she was half way through, she placed the beer on the counter, and gripped the counter top hanging her head.

Tears pricked her eyes when she recalled belting out Beyonce's "If I was a boy," and her breathing started to get heavy as her hands began to shake. Besides the crippling grief that inhabited her soul, she had a rage buried inside her that she worked everyday to hide. Pushing her emotions to the side was growing more difficult, and she needed a release and soon. Standing up straight, she gripped her beer and walked to the garage. Inside she saw her work out area and made a beeline for it. Putting her beer on a table, Lauren took off her jacket as the shaking in her hands grew worse.

She couldn't even wrap her hands because she couldn't hold anything. Dressed in her black ripped skinny jeans, and her black V-neck, her body that she worked hard to maintain was beautifully on display. Her arms were tense and hard as her body began to shake.


She felt it building up, and flowing through her blood stream, pulling out her phone and going to her angry mix, Holly wood undeads "Black Dahlia started to flow through the speakers. Turning towards the punching bag, she let it all go.

The rage that was building for months was being unleashed and she couldn't stop. Pictures started to form in her mind with every hit.

Austins face as he sadisticaly smiled as he approached her exiting her families funeral. The girls angry facial expressions when she showed up at Dinahs funeral. Her mothers smile, when she face timed her telling her they were on their way home. A home she would never see again.

Lauren paused and gripped her beer bottle and chugged the remaining liquid, hoping to quelch the thirst in body for some kind of relief. Slamming it back down on the table, she pain in her hands were ignored as she turned to the bag again.

Linkin parks "Somewhere I belong" played through the speakers and the rage started to disappear, leaving her with an emotional pain she desperatly didn't want to feel. She softly hit the bag, once, twice. Gaining momentum she hit the bag with everything she had inside herself. She didnt know she was crying, she didn't feel the sweat seeping through her shirt, o the skin from her fingers ripping open. She definitly didn't hear the door to the garage opening and closing.

She lost herself in her pain and grief, tired of playing pretend. Just now in this moment she could let it all go, so tomorrow she could do it all again. She started to feel drained, and her blows started to slow down. Her throat grew tight as she felt the sobs she was fighting try to rip through. Gripping the swinging bag, she held it tightly as her body began to shake as she fell to her knees.

She felt fear as she felt gentle hands softly sliding across her back and around her waist, pulling her into a hug. Camila had watched in tears as Lauren broke, and could find it within herself to let her break alone. She had quitely approached her as Lauren kneeled on the ground crying and wrapped her in a embrace. Lauren didn't turn around, and Camila didn't speak.

They never needed words before, and it was comforting to be understood in a way that need no embeleshments. Camila held Lauren from behind for a few moments as laurens body started to relax and stop shaking. After about twenty minutes, Lauren gently unwrapped Camila's hands and stood. Taking Laurens cue, Camila slowly got to her feet.

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