Going back home

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Bianca slammed the front door, and ran up the stairs to her room, as best as her healing body would allow her to. Camila,Lauren and Emily were watching tv in the living room, and were surprised by the anger and tears on Bianca's face.

"Olivia?" asked Lauren worried.

Camila nodded knowingly and said,"Olivia."

Lauren sighed and held out her hand, as Camila did the same.

"One. two. three." Lauren whispered as the two rocked their fisted hands and displayed their choices.

Camila held out her hand flat, as Lauren positioned her hands as scissors.

"Yes!" Lauren whisper shouted as Camila pouted.

"Best two out of three?" asked Camila hopefully.

Lauren shook her head frantically, and said,"No way. This is girl talk, and we all know how awkward I am at girl talk. I won you lose, go parent our child."

Camila groaned, and hurled her self forward for momentum, her stomach was huge, and getting up was becoming a challenge, which was why she accepted Lauren's helping hand with a scowl.

Muttering to herself about cheating, Camila slowly made her way up the stairs. She stood out side Bianca's room, and gently knocked on the door.

"Come in." rasped Bianca, from obvious tears.

Camila walked in slowly, and saw the teen siting in the middle of her bed with her arms over her knees in a defensive position. Camila approached the bed, and gave the teen a sad smile.

"I take it the talk didn't end well?" asked Camila softly.

Bianca shook her head, as tears escaped her eyes and said,"She said she loves me but she chose UCLA. We'll never see each other. If she was at least at NYU we stood a chance. But she said UCLA was were she wanted to be. She doesn't love me."

Camila's heart broke at the pain in Bianca's eyes and she whispered,"That's not true B. Believe me when I say the girl that paced the hospital room, and threatened your father, loves you very much. But she loves herself too, and knows she has to make this choice without you in it. Your young, and right now the choices you make are ones that will affect the rest of your life, even if it doesn't feel that way. You may not be ready to be in the kind of relationship you want with Olivia."

"But you loved Lauren when you were younger than me." Bianca protested angrily.

Camila smiled sadly and said,"Yes I did, but even if Austin hadn't done what he did, and me and Lo fell into each others arms, we wouldn't be where we are now. The world would have fallen down around us, and we were no where near ready to take it on. We didn't have the maturity or skills yet, to take a small argument, and not have it be the end. We would have hurt each other so much, trying to make something work when we weren't emotionally ready for it. In a way I'm thankful for Austin being the bastard he is, because I would rather him tear us apart, then us grow to hate each other, trying to make something work at the wrong time. Some people never re cover from that."

Bianca nodded in understanding and glared at her blanket with eyes of despair.

"Do you love Olivia?" asked Camila smiling.

Bianca nodded her head, and said,"Of course I do."

"Then enjoy the time you have with her. We still have the summer, and in the fall go to Harvard and experience everything your mother wanted you to. Live and live anyway you want. Olivia will do the same, and maybe you will find each other again like me and Lo did. If not, you may find someone you love even more fiercely than you do now. When me and Lo came back into each other lives, we had already explored other possibilities, and let me tell you I'm thankful to Sam for that. Because I would have had doubts of Lauren's love had she not actually chosen me. Sometimes people get comfortable in love, and it stops growing." Camila explained quietly.

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