Unnecessary Guilt

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Camila entered the house exhausted, and a little sad. After putting the keys on the kitchen table, She gave her self a moment to herself, before climbing the stairs and waking the girls for school. For two weeks, Camila had been keeping the kids in school, teaching her own classes, and spending every night with Lauren.

Lauren told her enough times that she could be alone, but the bloody drag marks from the shop would invade Camila's mind, and she would start to panic at the thought of leaving Lauren on her own.

Call her over protective, but Camila needed the reassurance that Lauren was in fact okay. She needed to see her, feel her touch to remind herself that Lauren was indeed alive.

Wiping the tears she didn't even know were escaping her eyes, Camila gathered her emotions and pushed them to the side, and made her way upstairs to take care of their two girls that needed her at the moment.

Bianca had become slightly withdrawn, yet clingy when it came to the green eyed girl. She blamed herself, even if she didn't out right say it was her fault Lauren had almost died. When she was around Lauren, all she wanted to do was help her in some way, much to the adults frustration.

Emily was another matter all together. She needed constant reassurance that Camila and Lauren were in fact coming back when ever they left anywhere. When she was in school, she would ask the teachers to let her call the hospital, just to know if Lauren was still alive. When Camila left for the store, Emily would wait quietly by the door and wait for her to return.

Ally, and Normani would try to coax her to watch tv, or even play with the other children, but Emily could do neither, until she had confirmation Camila was home and safe.

Every one was tense after the shooting, and Camila was barely holding it together. Trying to ignore the thoughts pressing in her mind, Camila knocked on Bianca's door and gently opened it.

Laying in a fetal position, a sleeping Bianca clutched a worn teddy bear, Camila recognized as something from the teenagers youth and smiled sadly at the picture in front of her. She noticed the teen wearing a frown, as sweat beaded her forehead, and wore a frown of her own when she realized the teen must be having a nightmare.

Gently shaking the teen, Camila whispered,"Hey B. Time to get up."

Bianca jerked awake in fear, calming once her eye's caught Camila smiling down at her. Camila sat on the teens bed, and gently moved the sweaty hair from her face.

"Another nightmare B?" Camila asked softly.

Bianca nodded, breathing heavy as she tried to catch her breath. She had woken up in a panic, and needed to assure herself of the reality before she could calm.

"Lo?!" Bianca asked panicked.

"Ssh. She's fine. I just left her at the hospital. She's fine and safe, I promise." Camila cooed gently.

Bianca closed her eyes and nodded in understanding. She breathed a sigh of relief and leaned forward embracing Camila in a much needed hug.

"Will this get better?" Bianca whispered.

Camila breathed in the teens scent, and sighed. "I think it will. Everything takes time B, and Lo is coming home today. So having her here with us should help us feel a bit better." Camila reasoned quietly.

Bianca pulled back as a smile formed on her face. "Lo is coming home?" She asked excitedly.

Camila nodded with a smile and said,"She sure is. I'm picking her up after work today."

"Can I come with?" Bianca blurted out nervously.

"Of course. I think a nice family trip to the hospital is just what the doctor ordered." Camila answered with a tired smile.

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