Something to smile about

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Bianca stood near her mothers grave gripping Laurens hand, as she struggled to remain calm. They were burying her mother, and she struggled with her emotions as they lowered her to the ground. Lauren had spoken on Bianca's behalf, as she watched grief over take the teen. She remembered her family's funeral all to well, and like Bianca, could not move to speak. Breathing was a hard enough challenge, and words would never be able to begin to convey the devastation felt when seeing the last of your childhood lowered into the ground.

Bianca held it together for the majority of the ceremony, until the grave filled with dirt, and people started to depart with their condolences. Seeing the teen about to break, Lauren held her close and motioned for the girls to clear the grave. Giving the two privacy, everyone sadly left them as Bianca's cries were heard by all. A half hour later, Lauren took her hand, whispering her last farewells to the girls mother, promising to take care of her daughter and protect her always, she led the teen out of the cemetery.

The weeks that followed afterward were hard for Bianca and Emily. Bianca was coming to grips that her mother really was gone, and her life would forever be without her. She isolated herself on more than one occasion, holing herself in her room in her grief after her shifts at the auto shop. She was happy for the training and the distraction it gave her, but it never lasted long.

Emily was beginning to understand that her mother and father were truly gone. Over the past weeks she had been asking the adults endlessly where they were, until Lauren and Camila tearfully had a talk with her explaining the concept of death.Emily had not taken the news well, and had spent days crying for her parents. The girls were unsure how to help them, even Lauren who had also lost her family was stumped on how to help the little girl. She had her family for almost twenty five years and was a adult in their passing. It was a difficult time for them all.

On this Saturday, Bianca found herself walking out of the room she had locked herself in for the entire morning, passing by Emily's room only to stop when she heard low whimpers. Curious, she opened the little girls door to see Emily curled in a ball watching a video of her parents as she cried silently. Bianca's heart broke, and she felt a kinship with the child, that lead her to slowly approach the bed.

Silently she sat on the bed, finally getting Emily's attention as the the little girls head snapped in her direction. Tearful brown eyes were met with tearful hazel as Emily's bottom lip quivered in confusion.

"Am I in trouble?" Emily mumbled.

Confused Bianca tilted her head and asked, "Why would you be in trouble kid?"

Emily sniffled as she wiped her nose mumbling, "I don't know, people don't look happy when I miss mommy and daddy."

Sighing Bianca laid herself on the bed next to the girl as she pondered her next words. "Their not angry you miss your family Emily.... They're just sad because they miss them too, and it makes them sadder to see you sad. But it's okay. Your allowed to be sad. If that's how you feel, they wont be mad at you. They just want to make you happy and they will eventually, and they know that. Everything takes time." The teen said quietly.

"Do you get sad and miss your mom B?" asked Emily softly.

Bianca's eyes glossed over as her throat became thick. "Everyday Emma, every day. But I try to remember that my mom would want me to be happy. She would want me to smile and make her proud, just like your mommy and daddy do. I didn't know them, but I bet they really loved you and would want you to try and smile for them." she finished hoarsely.

"You think so?' Emily asked, her tiny voice wavering.

"I know so. It would make them happy when they watch you from heaven. They're up there Em... Up in the clouds watching you, and wanting the best for you. Kinda like on their very own Emma tv. So you gotta give them something to watch. They like it best when your smiling and happy, because it makes them happy." Bianca said smiling as she wiped Emily eyes.

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