Moving on isn't easy

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"Are you sure you should come Lo? You could rip your stitches, maybe you should stay home. Really its not worth it." Bianca rambled anxiously.

Lauren laughed at Bianca's worried face. "B.. I'm coming. Band parents go to the games to support their kids school and watch them play. I'm a band parent. Which means I'm going. I'm also the mayor, so if you feel all guilty, just pretend I'm there in a mayoral way and you'll fell better." Lauren stated playfully.

Camila snickered from her place at the sink, as she washed the last dish drying her hands. "B.. You know how paranoid I am about Laurens safety, and even I wouldn't stop her from being there for you. I know your nervous, but the group will be there cheering you on AND watching over Lauren. I'm bringing her medication, and a blanket to make sure she doesn't catch a cold. She'll be fine. I promise."

Bianca was about to protest one more time, when Emily ran down the stairs and burst through the kitchen. She was proudly wearing a shirt that said,"My sister's in the band." She had a hat that read ' Clarinets Rock' and pom poms to cheer with.

Bianca smiled at her foster sisters enthusiasm, and looked suspiciously at Lauren and Camila. "That's an interesting shirt. I wonder where she got it." said Bianca, trying to suppress a giggle.

Lauren and Camila avoided her gaze, causing her to release a giggle and sigh in exasperation.

"Okay, well I have to pick up Liv and some other members of my section. Well meet in the stands in like an hour?" Bianca questioned.

Camila smiled and said,"You got it B. Believe you me, you'll know where we are." She finished with a snicker, watching curiosity spark in the teens eyes that Bianca quickly brushed off, grabbing her uniform and bag, heading out of the kitchen.

Once they heard the front door close, Lauren turned to Camila and said,"Troy got the stuff?"

Camila giggled nodding answering,"Yup as soon as B is gone, their coming over so we can get ready."

"Awesome." Lauren snickered in amusement.


Bianca stood next to her best friend in the band room warming up with her section. The band was broken into sections, and were running through their scales, stopping when their band instructor stood on her small podium and raised her hands for silence.

"Line up outside and we'll head out. Section leaders in front, flag line on the side. Once we play the national anthem, head into the stands. I want you guys cheering with the cheerleaders, and keeping the crowd alive. Play well and have fun!" Mrs. Godfrey said with a smile.

The band cheered and quickly lined up in block formation. The drum line did their count, and the band was off, marching through the school towards the field in step. Once they were close their drum major signaled and the instrumental version of BOSS played through the parking lot, causing the crowd to watch them enter the field.

They played rowdily, and danced enthusiastically as they marched on the track around the field, as the visiting band looked on nervously. The song oozed confidence, and was played with the same. Bianca was so into the routine, she almost missed her embarrassing family's display of support.

Lauren, Camila, Ally, and Normani danced and cheered in their seats causing the crowd to laugh and cheer. They wore shirts that said ' my daughter plays the clarinet! What does your do? and others said 'My niece is bandgeek and a badass'. Tears pricked Bianca's eyes as she focused on playing through her smile.

The football team burst through their poster papers made from the student body, and ran onto the field cheering and dancing, as the cheer leaders made their way towards the band.

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