New beginnings

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The group had all been in and out of Laurens room for the next few hours. Emily and Bianca each had spent an hour next to her bed, needing to be close to her as Camila watched from a distance. When Camila had entered Laurens room, her legs buckled and she found herself hugging a wall for support. Lauren had always been a strong woman, and to see the person she loved throughout her youth looking so frail and sickly, made her numb. She eventually found the strength to sit in a chair, and watched as people each had their turn checking on Lauren. Six hours later, a cot was brought in for her as the other went home for the night. Ally and Normani took Emily and Bianca with them, assuring her they would be brought back to her in the morning.

Despite the fact that Camila had a small bed of her own, she stayed in the chair next to Laurens bed, and watched as she slept. She ran her eyes along Laurens face taking in every detail. She really took a good look, and realized quiet a lot had changed in five years. Laurens face had lost all the baby fat that had given her a small roundness and her features were sharp and mature. Camila realized that some of Laurens hair that had usually been hidden in her hats and beanies, were greying at her roots.

Sighing, Camila leaned forward and held Laurens hand in her own. Gently caressing her skin, losing herself in the intimate gesture to a girl that would never know.

Her phone went off, and she quickly answered it so the nurses didn't catch her. Seeing the caller as Simon she answered it automatically worried.

"Simon?" asked Camila.

"Hey Mila.." Simon said exhausted.

"Whats up?" Camila asked.

"We have all the original copies of the non disclosure. Even if they tried to sue with copies it would never hold up in court. We also found the photo's of Laurens family on a a USB, but to be safe we wiped his entire computer, we even left a device that wipes every electronic that appears in the house. So when he steps in, his phone and laptop will be wiped. It's all untraceable. Lo is in the clear Mila." Simon happily explained.

The tension that gripped Camila was suddenly released, and she felt like she could breath again. Her eyes glistened as she her voice began to shake.

"T-thank you so much Simon. You've freed her." Camila breathed out in relief.

"It's the least I could do for one of my girls. Keep me updated on her situation will you?" Simon asked.

"Of course Simon." Camila gladly replied.

"What do you want me to do about Austin Mila? He hurt you and Lauren the most, so I'll leave his fate up to you." Simon offered her quietly.

Camila was silent for a moment. The next words that came from her didn't surprise her, but they did shock Simon. She was always known for her kind heart, and her forgiving nature, but things change and Camila wasn't the innocent she had been known to be anymore.

"Ruin him Simon. I want Austin to have nothing. He destroyed the woman I loved, and she almost died from his vindictive idiocy. He destroyed the girl we used to know. His actions have consequences, and having the power he has makes him dangerous. The loss of Laurens family would have changed her, no doubt about that, but she would have moved on eventually with our help. He took away a piece of our family, and smiled at us as we had no clue. He deserves no mercy from me." Camila said menacingly.

You could almost feel the proud smile in the sound of Simon's voice. "With pleasure darling. In a months time look to the news, talk to you soon love." Simon answered.

"Goodnight Simon, and thank you." Camila replied hanging up the phone.

Camila closed her eyes and breathed in deeply leaning back in her chair.

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