Waking up to family

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Lauren couldn't move. If it wasn't for the sound of the machines she assumed meant she was in a hospital, she would have believed herself dead. She didn't open her eyes right away, because to even try was exhausting. So she settled on laying there, and just waiting for any signs of life in the room as she drifted in and out of consciousness.

When she woke up again, she was happy to hear Camila's and Emily's sweet voices. Still unable to move, she just resigned her self to take comfort of the sound of there presence.

"Should we wake up Bianca?" she heard Emily ask.

"No baby, lets let her sleep. She's had a rough time since Lo got hurt and she needs all th rest she can get." She heard Camila whisper.

"She's really sad. And kinda mad...Is she mad at me?" asked Emily as she sat on Camila's lap on the chair next to Laurens bed.

Camila sighed and moved the hair from Emily's hair face and tightened her hold on the little girl.

"No baby girl, she's not mad at you. She's mad at the man who did this, and maybe a little bit at herself too." Camila whispered gently.

"Why is she mad at herself?" asked Emily in concern.

"Because she blames herself baby. It wasn't her fault, but what she saw scared her really bad, and until Lo wakes up, she'll probably keep being a little mad. Sometimes we blame ourselves for things we cant change, it doesn't always make sense, but we do sometimes. Love makes you do crazy things." Camila whispered quietly.

"I hope Lo wakes up soon. I don't like Bianca sad." Emily whispered quietly.

"Me either baby." Camila whispered.

Lauren was upset at what she was hearing, but couldn't will herself to open her eyes. She was too drained, and it was frustrating her. Even with her eyes closed, tears leaked from the corner of her eyes, and she drifted off to sleep praying that the next time she woke up she would be able to comfort her family.


Lauren woke up after three days of coming in and out of sleep, with enough strength to finally open her eyes. Her gaze searched the room and found a sleeping Bianca next to her bed.

She watched the teen that had called her mom in panic, and wanted to hug her badly, just to assure herself she was alright. Lauren scanned the teen's body, thankful that nothing was wrong with her, despite the tired features on her face. Lauren didn't remember much after throwing the gun, and was glad that nothing else had befallen them.

Looking around the room, she noticed Camila and Emily not in the room and assumed they were somewhere around the hospital.

Deciding that she needed to talk to the teen alone and this being the perfect opportunity, she opened her mouth to speak, but couldn't form words due to the dryness of her mouth and throat.

She saw a cup next to her bed and used the strength she had, to try to get herself some water. Failing to grip it, she caused it to fall to the floor making a loud clattering sound that jerked Bianca from her slumber.

Bianca's eyes shot open in panic, and calmed once she saw Laurens eyes open and looking at her apologetically.

"Your awake!" Bianca shouted causing Lauren to wince at the loudness.

"Sorry." Bianca whispered quietly with a sheepish smile.

Lauren smiled and mouthed water.

Bianca nodded in understanding and eagerly searched for another cup to fill with water from the pitcher beside the bed.

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