Perfectly imperfect

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Lauren entered the kitchen after a long talk with Sinhue, to see Alexa and Vero worriedly sitting at the table whispering quietly.

Leaning on the door frame she said,"Five years later and you girls look as beautiful as you did at seventeen."

Both woman snapped their gazes to the door, and Lauren watched as both woman changed from worried to down right angry.

"Well well well, Alexa I think I see our old friend Lo, who we haven't seen in five freaking years!" Vero angrily stated.

"I think your right Vero, it sure looks a lot like the Lauren we grew up with, but its been so long whose to know?" Alexa agreed with a bite.

Lauren sighed, and walked towards the table in defeat at easing them into a warm welcome.

"I know your both angry, but I did what I felt was right at the time. I'm sure the girls told you everything?" Lauren said sitting down.

"Oh they told us all about that prick Austin. What we're angry about is you leaving us. Did it ever occur to you that we would have come with you?" Asked Alexa upset.

Lauren scrunched her eyebrows in confusion and said,"Um... No? You guys were just out of college with careers and lives of your own, and I was spiraling down a dark path. Why would I expect you guys to just pick up everything to move with me?"

"Because we were your friends Lauren. Your family was just as much about of ours as you were. We grew up together Lo, and managed to stay great friends through your fame. Did you really think we wouldn't have understood if you said 'hey I can't live in Miami anymore'? Vero said hurt.

"You would have left everything to follow me? Why?" asked Lauren in disbelief.

"Because you lost your family Lo! We knew how hard that must have been for you, and if you weren't allowed near the girls, you should have had us. That's what friends do Lauren, they support each other when they have no one else. We would have been there for you had you let us." said Alexis as tears glossed her eyes.

Lauren looked at the table and said,"I'm sorry. I wasn't in the best place when I lost them, and everything Austin did made everything hurt more. I didn't want anyone to give me a reason to go on. I just wanted to end it all. When I got my second chance, I just focused on making it through one day at a time. To be honest, before the girls came I was stuck in limbo, and I'm just now finding my way out."

"Your forgiven. We just needed to be mad at you for a moment. But if anything else happens that may threaten our friendship, we will not forgive you if you run away again." Vero warned smiling lightly.

Lauren breathed out in relief, then chuckled at Vero's words.

"I don't think anything like that could happen twice, but if it does.. I'll let you know." Lauren finished smirking.

Alexa stood and huffed,"Well get over here and give us a hug Jauregui! It's been five years, I think a little love is long overdue!" she exclaimed grinning.

Lauren laughed loudly, and stood embracing both girls tightly. When Vero released her, the next words from her mouth made Lauren blush.

"Now how you hid having a penis is beyond me Lo! But I'm curious, how big you packing?" asked Vero smirking playfully.

"Oh my god.." Lauren exclaimed blushing fiercely.

"What!? We were your best friends for years, and missed some serious gossip! Come on Lo, tell us should we call tiny tim or packing paul?" Alexa insisted grinning.

"Oh packing Paul for sure." Camila grinned entering the kitchen.

"Camila!" shouted Lauren embarrassed.

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