"Safe with me"

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As much as Camila and Lauren really wanted a honeymoon, they couldn't fathom leaving the girls now, especially with the trial so close. So they stayed at their reception late, and joined their friends and family.

The town recipients, and families of the bride, spent a half hour clearing Lovers meadow, and they turned into a reception area, completely impressing Camila.

There was a large stage less than a foot high, and it was as large as a ball room would have. The tables and chairs were brought out, and the woman brought trays and trays of traditonal food for all. There were Mexican dishes from Camila's family, Cuban from Laurens, and country dishes from the woman in the town. It was feast for all, and Camila was amazed and thankful that Lauren had planned their wedding so perfectly. She truly was the perfect woman for Camila.

Lauren was currently sitting at a table, staring lovingly at Camila who was surrounded by her family members as they gave her congratulations on the marriage and baby. She didn't notice someone sit beside her, or even feel the shift in the air.

Turning to her right to check on her kids, Lauren's breath hitched when she notice a familar face sitting next to her resembling her mother.

"Tia..." Lauren breathed.

Her Aunt who had been smiling at her had tears in her eyes, and without another word reached over and pulled the raven haired girl in her arms.

"Mija your Madre would be so proud of you." The older woman whispered, her voice breaking.

The lump in Laurens voice grew, and she fought hard to not ruin the make up on her face. "Do you think so?" asked Lauren insecurely pulling away to look at her Aunt.

"ah Mija of this I am sure. When we lost our mama, it broke your mother, its why the drinking started to begin with. It took her time to find her way again. You lost much more than that, and your still here, fighting every day. That makes you a stronger woman than even she was, because had the roles been reversed, she would have taken a darker path. The fact that you have over come everything in your path makes you a testament of your mother and fathers strength. They raised you well, and any parent, especially your would be proud. We are proud of you and the sacrifice you made to keep your mothers honor intact. You are truly the best a Morgado has to offer Mija. We're fighters, and our names are important to us, you have done your mother proudly." Her Tia Theresa smiled at her, as tears fell from Laurens eyes.

"Thank you Tia. Thank you for being here for mother when she couldn't. It meant a lot to me to have family here. I've gone so long alone, that forgot what having family felt like. Can I aske you something." Lauren asked hesitantly.

"Anything Mija." Theresa answered smiling.

"I wasn't allowed in Miami after my parents died, and they house is still as they left it. After the trial, me and Camz were going to take the girls back home to put the house to rest. Would you be there? To help me pack my families things? I feel like I shouldn't do it alone, and I thought since she was your sister you may want to be there." Lauren said quietly.

Theresa smiled as tears fell from her eyes. "Yes Mija, I will be there to help you. So will your other Aunts and Uncles. Your parents spirit must move on, and as family it is our job to help them. We would not let you do such a task alone. Family means strength, and we will be yours." she told her niece smiling sadly.

Lauren smiled in relief, and wiped her eyes.

"Now Mija, this is your wedding, and your cousins, and your other Tia and Tio's have been waiting to properly congratulate you properly. Lets dance Cuban style eh? We have to make your parents proud." Theresa insisted smiling.

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