Trial part 3

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Bianca sat in the witness box fidgeting.

"What is your relationship with Lauren Jauregui?" asked Williams.

"She's my foster mother. She is in the process of adopting me." Bianca answered.

"How did that come about?" asked Williams.

"My mother died, a couple days after Dinah Jane. Her and my mother were close friends, and my mother left me in Lauren's care, knowing Lauren would be another mother to me." Bianca answered smiling sadly.

"So your mother Veronica Greene just happened to befriend Lauren Jauregui and because of that close friendship, she gave Lauren Jauregui her only child?" He asked skeptically.

Bianca's face hardened, and her nerves died away.

"Lauren came to this town and was a hermit. I was a harmonizer, and a huge Lauren Jauregui fan. I approached her and Lauren being who she is, was always friends with fans. We would see each other often, and got to know each other as friends. My mom didn't know who Lauren really was until she figured out she was the girl I sang to. When my mom got sick, Lauren would HELP us, because unlike some celebrities SHE cares. She would pick me up for school if my mom was too ill, help me with my home work and grocery shopping. She even paid for my mother's treatment, so that my mother would have something to leave me if she died , instead of a mountain of hdebt. My mother gave me to Lauren, because she knew Lauren would care, she would understand my loss if she died, and I would be safe with Lauren." Bianca ranted angrily.

"So there was no intimate relationship between Mrs. Jauregui and your mother? They were not sexualyl active? Is that not why your mother left her child to her? Because she wanted her lover to care for you?" William shot out trying to break Bianca in some way.

Lauren stood up angrily, and Normani and Sam had to hold her back form punching the lawyer in the face.

"Objection Your Honor Badgering the witness!" Amy shouted angrily.

Before the judge could speak, Bianca laid into Williams.

"My mother was a straight woman, and NEVER found women attractive! I am the lesbian not her! Lauren was the only person that cared enough to help me and my dying mother, because she has a freaking heart! Lauren has been and ALWAYS will be in love with Camila, and she never gave anyone a second glance including my mother! Your trying to make it sound like Lauren took advantage of my mother, or vice versa. That is not how it was. Lauren is a kind and caring person, and a mother to me that I can be proud of. My mother was the only one aside from my grandparents that I had, and she was dying for over a year! The whole time, all she could do was worry about me and my future! She did not want to leave me alone! Then Lauren came and she was alone, and the kind of person my mom could see giving me what she no longer could, and she figured we would be all the family we needed! How dare you taint the last selfless act my mother could do for me!" Bianca shouted angrily as tears ran down her face.

"MR. Williams! That is a disgusting display of courtroom etiquette! If You badger this witness once more, YOU will be thrown out of this courtroom." The judge yelled angrily as his face became red.

Bianca was trying to calm herself, and sat back down still shaking from her anger. Her eyes met Lauren's across the room, and her heart broke at the tears of anger in Lauren's eyes. She saw her struggling with Normani and Sam, and she knew Williams implications had hurt her too.

Williams clear his throat and said grudgingly,"Apologies. So the relationship between Lauren and your mother was platonic?"

Bianca glared, and shakily said,"Yes."

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