Safe flight?

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The girls arrived at the wake, and realized they had only been gone for two hours.

"Did you guys sign what the lawyer needed?" Asked Dinah's mother anxiously the second she spotted them entering the house.

"Of course we did Mrs. Hansen." Camila said smiling softly.

The mother relaxed her shoulders in relief, and smiled sadly at the three girls.

"You just missed Lauren, She spent over an hour in the guest room with Emily. Lauren wanted to get to know her before she caught a flight back to North Carolina. She said to tell you Camila, that she'll get everything Emily will need and only to worry about the more important things. She thought it would make the move a bit easier. Clothes and memento's, and she'll provide the rest. Her house is big enough for the three of you." she said quietly.

Camila nodded her head,
surprised at Laurens thought fullness.

"Is Emily still in the guest room?" asked Ally looking around the room in search of her.

Dinah's mother nodded as she excused herself.

The three friends made their way to the room, and Camila softly knocked on the door.

"Come in." a child like voice said.

Turning the knob, Camila smiled at the little version of Dinah sitting on the bed holding a small tablet in her hand.

"Hey princess, what you got there?" Camila asked softly as the three woman made their way to the bed.

Camila pulled Emily onto her lap as Ally and Normani sat on either side of her.

"Lolo gave me this! It has mommy and daddy in it!" exclaimed Emily smiling.

The girls looked at the tablet in her hand and saw a video from their fifth harmony days playing. They watched as young versions of their late friends smiled up at them. Lumps formed in their throats at the beautiful gesture, and couldn't believe none of them had thought of it. The smile on the little girls face made them realize they really didn't understand what something so small meant to her, or what she was going through.

"Does it just play videos?" asked Normani blinking back tears.

"No! It has songs Mama used to like too. Mama's voice is on here, and look Lolo drew this and put it as the back ground!" Emily said excited.

Emma clicked the back button like Lauren taught her, the wall paper was a detailed drawing of Dinah and Siope looking down at her from the clouds in the sky. Ally's hand shook as she covered her mouth and held back the urge to sob.

"That is the best gift I've ever seen sweetheart." Camila said thickly as she held on to Emily tighter.

"So what did you and Lolo talk about?" asked Camila emotionally. She hadn't used the nick name in so long, and her heart ached as it left her lips.

"We talked a lot about mommy and daddy, and then Lolo asked me about the kind of stuff I liked. She said she has a diner and I can eat there whenever I want! She did say that we're all gonna go live with her. I was a little sad to leave grandma and grandpa but she promised I would see them soon. She's really nice, and she said mommy used to be one of her best friends. Then Lolo went away and was sick for a while, but she's much better now. Lolo said Mommy and daddy asked you both to take care of me, and she promised she would try her hardest. She's not good with people though, but she said she would try." Emily explained smiling.

The women nodded feeling horrible. Not only had Lauren agreed without even thinking twice, but she had given Emily such a beautiful gift that the child clearly desperately needed, and took on the responsibility of explaining the situation to the little girl, in a way she would understand. They silently thanked Lauren, and started to tell Emily stories of her mother.

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