The break up

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Chapter 1

Rachel's pov

My phone rings and I am so happy to see who is calling. Finn. My one true love. My wonderful boyfriend.
I have had a rough few days with my dads on business trips and all, I have been so lonely lately. I press accept on my smart phone.

Finn: Hey Rach
Rachel: Hey Finny!! I've missed you so much!!
Finn: I've missed you too. Do you think we could talk?
Rachel: ok, but what's wrong?
Finn: nothing's wrong we just need to talk, ok? I will be there in 10 minutes
Rachel: bye, love you
Finn: bye *hangs up*

Finns pov

Rachel: bye, love you
Finn: bye *hangs up*

I feel bad. I always tell her that I love her, but I don't anymore. I loved her before, but I haven't loved her for a while now. I know what your thinking, I'm a jerk. You might be right, but I still care for her. I just don't want to lie to her.

I drive to Rachel's

I get there and knock on the door. She opens it, great...

Rachel's pov

I answer the door and it's Finn!

I run to him and give him a great big hug, smiling up at him I press my head to his chest. After a few minutes He pushes me back, away from him, my smile fades.

Finns pov

Rachel: what's wrong?
Finn:I have been meaning to tell you this an-
She cuts me off
Rachel:did you cheat on me?? She says as tears start to form in her eyes
Finn:of course not, I would never.... But I need to tell you something else.
Rachel:what is it Finn? You can tell me anything.
Finn: I think we should take a break. I have been feeli-
She cuts me off again
Rachel: what??
Her voice trembles.
Rachel: I have given all myself to you... I-I can't believe this. I thought you loved me...
She say in a cracked voice, with tears dropping down her face every second.
Finn: I understand how much you love me but I don't feel that way anymo-
Once again she cuts me off, but instead of talking she slaps me, hard. I rub my cheek, trying to rid the pain.
Rachel: get out of my house.
Finn: Rach wait
Rachel: you don't get to call me that anymore.
Rachel sobs
Rachel: get the fuck out of my house
I turn around and start walking towards the door. But I was walking too slow for Rachel's taste. She opens the door and pushes me out. She slams the door right behind me.

I walk to my car and turn on the gas, getting ready to leave. What have I just done to this poor girl?

Rachel's pov

I slam the door behind him. My back in now leaned against the front door and I'm sobbing. I can't believe he would hurt me like this. I thought he loved me.

I run to the bathroom still crying, and look through the cabinets. I find what I'm looking for: razor blades. I go to the sink and look at myself in the mirror, I see my ugly self with that big beak of mine that people call a nose crying. I grab a blade and think of 6 reasons why I should hurt myself, because I have 6 blades.
1)I'm an untalented loser
I cut myself and scream
2)I'm ugly
I cut, and scream even louder
3)I have no friends
I cut and scream
4)my boyfriend left me for a hot cheerleader whose a whore
I sob as I say that, and I grab the 4th razor, I am about to cut myself again when I hear a door close. I look around once, then twice and see that Finn is staring at me with tears in his eyes.

Finns pov

Once I get in the car I remember that I left my varsity jacket inside. I walk to the front door and open it. I grab my jacket which is on the couch, but don't head to the front door. I hear sobs and screaming coming from a bathroom so I walk to the bathroom with the door open and see Rachel crying. But that's not all, I see her with 3 cuts on her arm and blood all over herself and the bathroom.

Rachel:4)my boyfriend left me for a hot cheerleader that's a whore
I say in between sob
She looks at me with tears in my eyes, but she doesn't listen
Rachel:4)my boyfriend left me for a hot cheerleader thats a whore(she repeats)
She digs the razor down in her skin, blood oozes out and she falls to the floor.

I run to her and try to wake her up.
"Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!"
"Rachel please, I never meant to hurt you like this. I don't want to be responsible for your death."

I pick up Rachel and carry her bridal style way and sit her down in the truck. I put her seatbelt on and I drive off with her to the hospital.

I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter. Don't worry, I know it's really sad. I was close to crying as I was writing this. Also I do not own the characters from glee. *Do not try this at home please*


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